项目作者: dh4

项目描述 :
Versatile JavaScript image gallery
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/dh4/gallerize.js.git
创建时间: 2015-10-16T20:13:44Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


gallerize.js Build Status Bower

gallerize.js is a responsive image fader designed to be as versatile as possible. It uses CSS3 transitions and pure Javascript.

It was born out of my frustration attempting to find an image gallery that was versatile enough for me to style to display the way I want for various different use cases. The vast majority of image galleries are designed to be plug and play with a default, fairly immutable styling and layout, making it difficult to get them to look any different without resorting to hacks.

gallerize.js is designed to allow the developer to heavily customize the location and look of the gallery elements (gallery, navigation, buttons, links, supporting text). As such, it requires you to at least have a good knowledge of HTML/CSS to make use of it.


Click on the following demos to view them (you can view the source code in the demos directory):

Large Demo
Small Demo
Background Demo
Jumbotron Demo
Indicators Demo

You can also view these demos in a CodePen collection.


Download the latest release from the releases page and install it into the \ tag of the page you want the gallery to show:

  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="gallerize-<VERSION>.min.js"></script>

Then initialize the gallery by creating a new Gallerize object and calling start(). The following should be placed before the \ tag:

  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. var gallery = new Gallerize({
  3. gallery: '#gallery',
  4. images: [
  5. 'path/to/image/one.jpg',
  6. 'path/to/image/two.jpg',
  7. ],
  8. });
  9. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  10. gallery.start();
  11. });
  12. </script>

The above shows the minimal configuration. See the configuration section below for more options.


gallerize.js is not designed to display a styled gallery by default. It requires you to style the elements used (gallery and thumbnails, indicators, counter, prev, next, text if they are used). At a bare minimum, you will need to add a height and width to the gallery element.

gallerize.js uses a z-index range of 90-100. Any z-index above 100 will show above the gallery and a z-index below 90 will show below it. If you want an element to appear as a part of the gallery (the text element for instance), use a z-index of 99 so it will appear below the loading animation.

Look at the examples in the demos directory for good starting points on styling the gallery.


The following configuration options are available. The only required configuration options are gallery and images.

The element to display the gallery in. You can style this element how you want, but the contents should be empty.


An array of images to display. You can use absolute or relative paths.

Array of links to attach to images within the gallery. Can use null as an item if no link is desired for a certain image. This should have the same number of items as the images array.


The color to fill blank areas when an image does not fully cover the gallery element. Default is #FFF.


Boolean to automatically advance the gallery based on delay. Default is true.


Boolean to pause rotation timer when mouse hovers over gallery. Has no effect if auto is false. Default is true.


Time in milliseconds to wait before advancing the gallery. Default is 5000 (5 seconds).


Time in milliseconds the fade animation will last. Default is 1000 (1 second).


What images should use background-size:contain vs background-size:cover. There are five options:
none: All images will be cropped to fill the gallery element.
all: All images will be contained within the gallery element and no cropping will occur.
portrait: Only portrait images will be contained within the gallery. Landscape images will be cropped to fill the gallery element.
landscape: Only landscape images will be contained within the gallery. Portrait images will be cropped.
parent: gallerize.js will use the size of the gallery to determine the best way to display the image. If the gallery element is in a portrait orientation, portrait images will be cropped to fill the element and landscape images will be contained within the element (and vice versa).

The default is none.


Allows you to display a thumbnail navigation. It cannot co-exist with indicators.

It takes an object:

  1. thumbnails: {
  2. element: null,
  3. images: null,
  4. captions: null,
  5. buttons: true,
  6. button_color: '#000',
  7. active_color: '#000',
  8. }

The element to display the thumbnail navigation in. You can style this element to your liking, but it should be empty. Overrides indicators.


An array of thumbnails to use. This should match up with the images array and have the same number of items. If not specified, gallerize.js will use the images array for thumbnails instead.


Array of captions to display below the thumbnail images. This should have the same number of items as the images array.


Boolean to show or hide the prev/next buttons in the thumbnail navigation element. Default is true.


The text color to use for the prev/next buttons in the thumbnail navigation. Default is #000.


The border color around the active thumbnail. Default is #000.


The horizontal padding between thumbnails as a percent of the width of the thumbnails. Default is 0.125.


The vertical padding of thumbnails as a percent of the height of the thumbnails. Default is 0.125.


Allows you to display an indicator navigation. It cannot co-exist with thumbnails.

It takes an object:

  1. indicators: {
  2. element: null,
  3. color: '#999',
  4. acolor: '#FFF',
  5. round: false,
  6. opacity: 1,
  7. image: null,
  8. aimage: null,
  9. }

The element to display an indicator navigation in. You can style this element to your liking, but it should be empty.


The color for inactive indicators. Default is #999.


The color for the active indicator. Default is #FFF.


Boolean to make indicators round. Default is false (indicators will be square).


Opacity of inactive indicators. Should be between 0 and 1. Default is 1.


Image to use for inactive indicators. Overrides indicator_color.


Image to use for the active indicator. Overrides indicator_acolor.


The size of the indicators as a percent of the height of the indicator element. A value of 1 will make the indicators the same height as indicators.element. Default is 0.5.


The padding between indicators as a percent of the size of the indicators. Default is 0.25.


Allows you to display text that rotates along with the images in an element of your choosing. It takes an object:

  1. text: {
  2. element: null,
  3. items: null,
  4. }

Element to display rotating text within. You can style this element to your liking, but it should be empty.


Array of rotating text to display within the text_element. You can use HTML as well as plain text. This should have the same number of items as the images array.


Allows you to display a previous button within an element of your choosing. It takes an object:

  1. prev: {
  2. element: null,
  3. text: '❮',
  4. image: null,
  5. }

Element to display a previous button within.


Text to use for previous button. Default is ❮.


Path to image to use for previous button. Overrides prev.text.


Allows you to display a next button within an element of your choosing. It takes an object:

  1. next: {
  2. element: null,
  3. text: '❯',
  4. image: null,
  5. }

Element to display a next button within.


Text to use for next button. Default is ❯.


Path to image to use for next button. Overrides next.text.


Allows you to display a counter showing where the user is within the image gallery. It takes an object:

  1. counter: {
  2. element: null,
  3. separator: ' of ',
  4. }

Element to display a counter in.


The separator to use between the count and total. The counter will appear in format “(current)(separator)(total)”. Default is of.


Allows you to display a small loading image before gallery images load. It takes an object:

  1. loading: {
  2. image: null,
  3. all: true,
  4. }

Image to display when gallery image is loading.


Boolean to show loading image for all images or just the first. Default is true.

Full Example

An example configuration using all options:

  1. <div id="gallery"></div>
  2. <div id="thumbnails"></div>
  3. <div id="indicators"></div>
  4. <div id="counter"></div>
  5. <div id="prev"></div>
  6. <div id="next"></div>
  7. <div id="text"></div>
  8. <script>
  9. var gallery = new Gallerize({
  10. gallery: '#gallery',
  11. images: [
  12. 'path/to/image/one.jpg',
  13. 'path/to/image/two.jpg'
  14. ],
  15. links: [
  16. 'http://example.com',
  17. null
  18. ],
  19. bg_color: '#FFF',
  20. auto: true,
  21. pause: true,
  22. delay: 5000,
  23. fade: 1000,
  24. contain: 'portrait',
  25. thumbnails: {
  26. element: '#thumbnails',
  27. images: [
  28. 'path/to/thumb/one.jpg',
  29. 'path/to/thumb/two.jpg'
  30. ],
  31. captions: [
  32. 'Caption One',
  33. 'Caption Two'
  34. ],
  35. buttons: true,
  36. button_color: '#000',
  37. active_color: '#000',
  38. hpadding: 0.1,
  39. vpadding: 0.1,
  40. },
  41. indicators: {
  42. element: '#indicators',
  43. color: '#999',
  44. acolor: '#FFF',
  45. round: false,
  46. opacity: 1,
  47. image: 'path/to/indicator/inactive.png',
  48. aimage: 'path/to/indicator/active.png',
  49. size: 0.75,
  50. padding: 0.375,
  51. },
  52. text: {
  53. element: '#text',
  54. items: [
  55. '<b>Text One</b>',
  56. 'Text Two'
  57. ],
  58. },
  59. prev: {
  60. element: '#prev',
  61. text: '«',
  62. image: 'path/to/prev/image.jpg',
  63. },
  64. next: {
  65. element: '#next',
  66. text: '»',
  67. image: 'path/to/next/image.jpg',
  68. },
  69. counter: {
  70. element: '#counter',
  71. separator: ' of ',
  72. },
  73. loading: {
  74. image: 'path/to/loading/image.gif',
  75. all: true,
  76. },
  77. });
  78. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  79. gallery.start();
  80. });
  81. </script>

Also see the demos directory for more examples.

Advanced Usage

You can also bind the changeImage method to events:

  1. document.querySelector('#random_element').addEventListener('click', function() {
  2. gallery.changeImage(1);
  3. });

This will adjust the image rotation by an offset. In this example, it switches to the next image. Use negative numbers to go backwards.

If you want to go to a specific image, use changeToImage:

  1. document.querySelector('#random_element').addEventListener('click', function() {
  2. gallery.changeToImage(3);
  3. });

This will switch the gallery to the third image in the images array.


If you find yourself needing to hack the source code to get this to behave the way you want, please let me know by opening an issue or submitting a pull request to make what you need configurable. My hope for this is to make it as versatile and usable as possible.

Internet Explorer

It makes liberal use of background-size and Javascript methods such as addEventListener which are not supported in IE8 and below. If you are looking for an image gallery that displays in those browsers, this is not for you.

To get this working in IE9, you’ll need to copy the polyfill here and load it into your page. Note that IE9 doesn’t support CSS3 transitions, so there will be no transition between images in that browser.

IE10 and above are supported out of the box.