A free JavaScript Jalali (Persian) and Gregorian (Miladi) dual datepicker library for Blazor applications
| Mark holidays (optional) after v3.5.0
— Thanks to @Mostafa-Moradi for asking the feature✨ Important fix in v3.4.0 — update your package: The 1403 Jalali leap year was miscalculated therefore all dates in the next Jalali year (1404) were wrong by one day. It is resolved now. Thanks to @web724online for creating the issue.
✨ Important fix in v3.2.0: When we set the bound parameter value to some date by code (for example in the
method of our component) and then click on the input, the selected date in the datepicker was always today, not that date. It is resolved now. Thanks to @EsmaeelAmarloo for creating the issue.
It is compatible and installable on all .NET 5, .NET 6, .NET 7 and .NET 8 Blazor projects
1- Install Blazor.PersianDatePicker from Nuget.org
2- Add <script src="_content/Blazor.PersianDatePicker/datepicker.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
to your index.html or _Host.cshtml or App.razor (in .NET 8)
3- Add <link href="_content/Blazor.PersianDatePicker/datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet" />
to your index.html or _Host.cshtml or App.razor (in .NET 8)
4- Add @using Blazor.PersianDatePicker
to _imports.razor
5- Use the component InputPersianDatePicker
// Html input element id attribute
Id="myInputDatePicker" //Optional
// Bind input value to local variable or dto etc
// Html input element name attribute
Name="myInputName" //Optional
// Control visibility of input
Visible="true" //Default: true
// Disabled make input disabled. This means only showing value and the picker popup won't open
Disabled="false" //Default: false
// Readonly make input readonly. This means the user cannot change the picker value e.g. by typing
ReadOnly="true" //Default: true
// Picker'align relative to input
// Options: Align.Right | Align.Left
PickerAlign="Align.Right" //Default: Align.Right
// Show calendar icon on text input
ShowCalendarIcon="true" //Default: true
// Calendar icon position relative to input
// Options: IconPosition.BasedOnAlign | IconPosition.Left | IconPosition.Right
CalendarIconPosition="IconPosition.BasedOnAlign" //Default: IconPosition.BasedOnAlign
// Can be used in changing the vertical position of the picker popup relative to the input
PickerOffsetTopPositionInPixels="2" //Default: 2
// Initial value for the input set today
InitialValueSetOnToday="false" //Default: false
// Calendar type for date picker including Dual, Single, etc
// Options: Calendar.DualModeJalaliDefault | Calendar.DualModeMiladiDefault | Calendar.SingleModeJalali | Calendar.SingleModeMiladi
CalendarType="Calendar.DualModeJalaliDefault" //Default: Calendar.DualModeJalaliDefault
// Control the digit type showing in the input after selecting by the picker
// Options: DigitType.BasedOnCalendar | DigitType.Persian | DigitType.English
DigitType="DigitType.BasedOnCalendar" //Default: DigitType.BasedOnCalendar
// Format of date to show in the input after selecting by picker, e.g. 1400/01/01 or 1400-01-01
// Options: DateFormat.yyyy_slash_MM_slash_dd | DateFormat.yyyy_dash_MM_dash_dd
DateFormat="DateFormat.yyyy_slash_MM_slash_dd" //Default: DateFormat.yyyy_slash_MM_slash_dd
// Prevent the user from selecting a date before today
MinDateSetOnToday="true" //Default: true
// Input placeholder
Placeholder="Select date"
// CSS class for input element
// Inline styles for input element
Style="border:1px solid red; width:50%"
// Choose a theme for changing the look and feel of the picker
// Options: PickerTheme.Default | PickerTheme.Dark | PickerTheme.Blue | PickerTheme.Cheerup | PickerTheme.RedBlack
// Themes can be seen in the image
// Mark holidays red color in Persian calendar
MarkHolidays="true" //Default: true
// Mark red color for the dates provided here in the calendar
// Both "/" seperated and "-" seperated Jalali date formats are valid
MarkedDates="@(["1403-06-25", "1403/06/27", "1403/06/28"])" //Optional
// Input change event
OnChange="@(() => Console.WriteLine("OK"))"
// Input text clear event (by pressing close button)
OnClear="@(() => Console.WriteLine("Cleared"))" />
💡 You can add multi-instances of InputPersianDatePicker components on a page and all of them work independently without any problem
<InputPersianDatePicker Id="myInputDatePicker"
Placeholder="Select date"
Style="border:1px solid green; width:20%; float:right"
MarkedDates="@(["1403-06-25", "1403/06/27", "1403/06/28"])"
OnChange="@(() => Console.WriteLine("OK"))" />
size (gzipped) ⇒ 35 kb
size (gzipped) ⇒ 5 kb
size (gzipped) ⇒ 9 kb
This project is ported from pwt.datepicker project with a lot of customizations and optimizations for easy and fast use for Blazor applications. Therefore, I appreciate the great effort of Reza Babakhani @babakhani and all contributors of that project