项目作者: akshaykvnit

项目描述 :
Repository with C++ code for turtlesim that implements a proportional and PI controller to move to a desired position and to a desired orientation
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/akshaykvnit/turtlesim_expts.git
创建时间: 2019-05-08T14:36:58Z



Turtlesim Experiments

This repository contains some experiments with Turtlesim which implement the classical PID controllers for A to B motion and for pure turning in a differential drive mobile robot, and also one pattern (called Haus Vom Nikolaus) is generated using these controllers.

Functions Implemented

  • moveToGoalPI - Implementation of PI controller to move turtle to desired position. Note that it is only for the x and y of the turtle, and not the theta.
  • turnPI - Implementation of PI controller to turn the turtle (about itself i.e. about z axis).


  • Implement Proportional controller
  • Implement PI controller
  • Implement PID controller
  • Tune all controllers


Ensure that ROS and the ROS turtlesim package is installed in your machine.

Then, in a new terminal window, start the ROS master server :

  1. roscore

Open another terminal and start the turtlesim simulator,

  1. rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

Put the repository in your catkin workspace’s src folder, and do this in another terminal (assuming workspace name is catkin_ws):

  1. cd ~/catkin_ws
  2. catkin_make
  3. source ./devel/setup.bash

(You can edit the source code to modify the destination coordinates or orientation, but you need to repeat the catkin_make steps after editing any code)
Then, you can run the C++ code using

  1. rosrun turtlesim_expts haus_vom_nikolaus

and check the output in the simulator window.

You can also write generate your own pattern by writing a script using the functions from movement.cpp like moveToGoal or turn