Implementation of a Kafka Cleansing, Validation, Enrichment service based on KStreams.
Validate incoming messages and augment them with rule testing results
Source code available here: github
Docker image here: dockerhub
Design Thinking goal
Installation and testing
Data protection and privacy
On any computer install the Docker Daemon - if not already done - and download the docker image with
docker pull rtdi/rulesservice
Then start the image via docker run. For a quick test this command is sufficient…
docker run -d -p 80:8080 --rm --name rulesservice rtdi/rulesservice
to expose a webserver at port 80 on the host running the container. Make sure to open the web page via the http prefix, as https needs more configuration.
For example http://localhost:80/ might do the trick if the container is hosted on the same computer.
The default login for this startup method is: rtdi / rtdi!io
The better start command is to mount two host directories into the container, the /home/dir/rulesservice
(choose yours) directory where all settings related to the rules service are stored (with the sub directories settings
for the Kafka connection details and definitions
with the rule files) and the /home/dir/security
directory for web server specific settings like user database and SSL certificates.
docker run -d -p 80:8080 -p 443:8443 --rm \
-v /home/dir/rulesservice:/apps/rulesservice \
-v /home/dir/security:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/security \
--name rulesservice rtdi/rulesservice
For more details, especially https and security related, see the ConnectorRootApp project, this application is based on.
if the settings
or definitions
directories should point to somewhere else, the context.xml
of the tomcat webserver can get additional environments in the <Context>
root node:
<Environment name="rulesettings" value="c:/apps/rulesservice/settings" type="java.lang.String" override="false"></Environment>
<Environment name="rulegroups" value="c:/apps/rulesservice/definitions" type="java.lang.String" override="false"></Environment>
The first step is to connect the application to a Kafka server and the schema registry. In the settings screen the normal Kafka properties file data can be pasted and saved. By default the file location is /apps/rulesservice/settings/
from the container’s point of view.
schema.registry.url= \
A rule file applies logic to messages of a given schema/subject. It consumes the input message, applies the rules and creates an output message with a derived schema - a schema that contains the rule results as additional field. What the input and output topic is, will be configured in the next step.
Rule files are saved by default in the directory /apps/rulesservice/definitions/<subject name>/inactive>/....
and the file name itself can contain sub-directories.
To simplify entering rules, sample values can be entered and the result be recalculated. A quick way to provide sample values is by reading topics and creating sample files with the content - see below. These files, with messages of the same subject name, can be selected and hence used as input.
Once a rule file is complete, it must be copied from the inactive
to the active
directory. The button Activate
does that. The reason for this two staged approach is to allow users saving intermediate definitions without impacting the currently running service.
An input topic can contain messages of different subjects, hence the dialog asks what input topic should cater which rule files (remember, a rule file work on a specific subject) and what the output topic should be.
Scaling is achieved by increasing the number of KStream instances used for this topic or by spinning up more containers with the same settings.
The screen also allows to copy the rule files being used into the active folder to simplify activating each from the rule file dialog.
If the input schema has an _audit
field, it is assumed the schema contains the structure for the rule results already. This would be a preferred case, because input schema = output schema.
In all other cases the input schema’s latest version is read from the schema registry and the additional _audit
structure is being created. This will be the output schema.
The reason for using the latest is because of schema evolution scenarios. It might happen that schema id 2 has an additional field NAME
compared to schema id 1. So the subject evolved from schema 1 to 2. The KStream does receive a message with schema 2 first, adds the _audit
field and it is saved in the schema registry. The next message has an input schema 1 and if that would get registered as output schema next, it would fail due to the missing NAME
field. Hence both must be outputted with the latest schema version always. This also explains why adding the _audit
on the original input schema already is preferred.
The overall rule result is stored (did it pass all tests?), a list of all rules executed and their individual results.
Querying this data allows detailed reporting which records were processed by what rule and the results.
The exact Avro schema field definition can be found here
To create sample files, one or multiple topics are selected in the screen and executed. All topics and all their partitions are read to find the most recent 100 messages.
The found messages are streamed in chunks into the screen and can be saved, either individually or by selecting some/all in the table and clicking the Save selected
The files are stored in the directory /apps/rulesservice/definitions/<subjectname>/sampledata/
If no file name is specified, the name will be partition_<partition>_offset_<offset>.json
The Single Test rule type applied to a field is used to specify conditions and optionally to modify a value.
The Condition is a formula like firstname != null
and specifies what the expected rule is - here it is expected that the firstname field has a value. This formula must return true or false.
and if false, the if test failed...
setting tells the severity. In most cases a false means the test =Fail
, but it can be set to =Warn
or even =Pass
Formulas can get more complicated obviously, e.g. lastname != null && lastname.length() > 10
Formulas can also access other fields as well, e.g. for the field lastname
the condition is lastname != null || firstname != null
meaning, either lastname or firstname must be set.
To access fields of a deeper level, e.g. when lastname is set, the first record in the addresses array must have addresstype HOME, many cases must be considered. What if the addresses array is empty? What if the addresses array is an empty array? What if the addresstype field is null for some records? This would lead to a very long condition but there are shortcuts: lastname != null && 'HOME' == addresses?[0]?addresstype
. The ?
tells that it is okay if the field is null and it should return null then.
Formulas at a deeper level, e.g. a formula for addresstype
, can access fields from the higher level via parent
. Example: ('HOME' == addresstype && parent.parent.lastname != null) || 'HOME' != addresstype
tells that for addresstype HOME the lastname must be set as well, for all other addresstype values there is no such requirement.
Note: In this example the customer record has an addresses array of address record. When within an address record, the parent is the array and its parent is the customer record with the lastname field.
These are just very basic examples, more below.
If a condition returns false, maybe the correct value can be derived and then the rule as such has not been violated. The optional formula entered in ..change value to...
is executed only if the condition returns false and it overwrites the field value. Example: The rule for the field addresstype
is addresstype.upper() != addresstype
and the change-value formula is addresstype.upper()
. This does change all values to upper case. In such a case the rule is considered to have been passed instead of failed, and that is accomplished via the if test failed...
setting =Pass
Each test and its rule result is available in the audit structure and hence we can see that this test was executed and passed.
In above examples there was the test ('HOME' == addresstype && parent.parent.lastname != null) || 'HOME' != addresstype
. A more realistic formula would say: if HOME then the lastname must be set, if COMPANY the companyname field must be set and other allowed values are SHIPPING and BILLING. This would get quite a long formula.
To simplify that, the Test-Set rule allows to specify multiple individual rules
Test all
): Every single rule is applied, thus acting as a AND combination of rules. This is convenient for cases where a field needs to be checked for different conditions, e.g. the OrderDate has to be within three months or raise a warning and the OrderDate cannot be later than the expected delivery date. The rule set will return the lowest individual rule result. If all passed the result is pass. If at least one said warning, the result is a warning. And if one is failed, the result is failed.Until failed
): Each rule will be tested and stopped once the first rule violation is found. It is a AND combination of the rules as well but while in above case all rules are tested, here all other rules are not added to the test result. The rule set will return failed when at least one is failed and pass only if all rules passed.Until passes
): This is an OR condition. If condition1 is not met, maybe condition2 is. As soon as the first positive test is found, no further processing is needed, a valid value has been found. The rule set will return failed only if all tests failed. One positive test makes the entire rule set positive and the remaining tests are not executed.For the addresstype example, the Until-passes
test set is best suited with the individual rules
'HOME' == addresstype && parent.parent.lastname != null
'COMPANY' == addresstype && parent.parent.companyname != null
'SHIPPING' == addresstype
'BILLING' == addresstype
If the addresstype is SHIPPING
, then the first test returns false, hence the second is executed also returning false and the third condition returns true —> no more tests being made and the test-set is Pass.
If the addresstype is ABCD
, none of the conditions will return true —> the test-set is Fail.
This simplifies creating difficult rules, especially in combination with the if test failed...
setting, e.g. a SoldTo == null
shall be treated as failed, SoldTo.length() < 5
as well but SoldTo.length() < 10
shall be a warning only.
Each record also has a (more)
node to enter rules that do not belong to a single field. Such generic rules cannot have a change-value formula as they are not bound to a field.
Another typical scenario is to standardize the values first, e.g. gender should be M
, F
, X
, ?
only and then create rules based on the standardized values. In other words, rules build on each other. To enable that, the rule file consists of multiple tabs - the rule steps - and each tab is executed one after the other.
For more examples see
This application is provided as dual license. For all users with less than 100’000 messages processed per month, the application can be used free of charge and the code falls under a Gnu Public License. Users with more than 100’000 messages per month are asked to get a commercial license to support further development of this solution. The commercial license is on a monthly pay-per-use basis.
Every ten minutes the application does send the message statistics via a http call to a central server where the data is stored for information along with the public IP address (usually the IP address of the router). It is just a count which service was invoked how often, no information about endpoints, users, data or URL parameters. This information is collected to get an idea about the adoption.
To disable that, set the environment variable STATISTICS=FALSE.