Vehicle Supervising: a kafka-based centralized platform for smart vehicle supervising.
A Kafka-based Centralized Platform for Smart Vehicle Supervising
The goal of this project is to provide a system focused on a platform that collects and processes information from simulated vehicles.
The programming tools used are: Java for the application; Apache Kafka for the messaging system; Java Swing for the graphical interfaces.
There are four entities: Collect, Report, Batch and Alarm.
Each entity has its own main method and is held accountable for a set of responsibilities around three kafka topics.
/docs - contains project report and diagrams
/src - contains the source code, written in Java
The authors of this repository are Filipe Pires and João Alegria, and the project was developed for the Software Architecture Course of the Master’s degree in Informatics Engineering of the University of Aveiro.
For further information, please read our report or contact us at or