项目作者: Cristy94

项目描述 :
Plain JavaScript event listeners for dynamically created DOM elements
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Cristy94/dynamic-listener.git
创建时间: 2017-06-29T11:56:39Z



Dynamic event listener

A pure JavaScript implementation to enable adding event listeners that work on dynamically created elements.
The functionality is similar to jQuery.on().

The minified library has only 643 Bytes.


You should use focusout event instead of blur, as the blur event does not bubble.


Include the library and call addDynamicEventListener to create a new event listener.

  1. <script src="dynamicListener.min.js"></script>
  2. <script>
  3. // Any `li` or element with class `.myClass` will trigger the callback,
  4. // even elements created dynamically after the event listener was created.
  5. var removeListener = addDynamicEventListener(document.body, 'click', '.myClass, li', function (e) {
  6. console.log('Clicked', e.target.innerText);
  7. });
  8. // Later
  9. removeListener();
  10. </script>

Note: You will have to use event.delegatedTarget in your callbacks to get the element that matches the selector (as event.target could be a child of this element and event.currentTarget is the root on which the listener was attached to).


addDynamicEventListener(rootElement, eventType, selector, callback, options)
Name Type Description
rootElement Element The root element to add the listener to.
eventType string The event type to listen for.
selector string The selector that should match the dynamic elements.
callback function The function to call when an event occurs on the given selector.
options boolean object Passed as the regular options parameter to the addEventListener function Set to true to use capture.
Usually used as an object to add the listener as passive
  • Function - removeListener - Callback that removes the previously attached listener.

Browser support

Same as addEventListener (consider it to be IE9+).

How it works

The script uses the Element.matches() method to test the target element against the given selector. When an event is triggered the callback is only called if the target element matches the selector given.


  • 7 December 2023 - Return a remove listener callback.


No restrictions. Feel free to use it in any project you want.

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