项目作者: brighten00

项目描述 :
這個project是一個簡單的個人練習,大部分是參照…的系列教學,原作者是…,可惜原作者已經刪除他在github裡有的檔案了,我在這個project中增加了一些教學文中沒有的功能以及處理,未來有空的話應該會繼續跟新,程式碼中加了一些來自原作者以及我自己的註解,可以用來理解不同的語法或是RESTful概念的處理。 未來會繼續上傳其他功能,也當作是對github專案管理的練習 This is a project for personal practice. It is a practice based on this website: . The Github account of the author is . It is such a shame that the author already deleted the code example from his account. I add some extra functions and annotations in this project. I hope this project can help others and me understand the concept of RESTful. I will update more functions in the future also use the project to practice git commands.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/brighten00/TodoListWei.git
创建时间: 2019-03-21T13:42:25Z

