项目作者: mudcastles
项目描述 :
Android version of the latest production of carousel album, you can pass any picture (try not too much, so as not to construct the layout is ugly). The Adapter class can be based on the number of incoming pictures for automatic position generation, and can generate the location stored in the model. Use gestures to switch pictures, just like a carousel. There is not enough places also hope that the big god to make additional changes, please forgive me!android版旋转木马相册初步实现,可传入任意张图片(尽量不要太多,以免构造出的布局很难看)。其中的Adapter类可以根据传入图片的张数进行自动位置生成,并可将生成的位置存放在model中。使用手势来切换图片,就好像旋转木马。有不足的地方还希望各位大神进行补充修改,不足请见谅!
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/mudcastles/WhirligigAnimation.git