TensorFlow2 Implementation for vanilla GAN for generating MNIST
This repository is for the TensorFlow2 implementation for vanilla GAN. This repository provides the training module and Jupyter notebook for testing a generation of the trained models. MNIST dataset was used for this repository.
Install Python packages(Requirements). You can install them simply by using following bash command.
$ pip install -r requirements
You can use Virtualenv
, so that the packages for requirements can be managed easily. If your machine have Virtualenv
package, the following bash command would be useful.
$ virtualenv gan-mnist-tf2-venv
$ source ./gan-mnist-tf2-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: MNIST-in-CSV dataset was used for this repository. But you can use MNIST dataset module in TensorFlow. But the following process is for just using MNIST-in-CSV dataset.
Download the dataset.
The link for MNIST-in-CSV: https://www.kaggle.com/oddrationale/mnist-in-csv
Unpack the dataset.
You can check that there are two csv files named mnist_train.csv
and mnist_test.csv
Modify the path for dataset in config.py
Modify the path for directory for saving model checkpoint.
Execute training process by train.py
The Jupyter notebook for checking results and testing the image generation is provided. Please check result_plot.ipynb
Ploting the Generator and Discriminator Losses
Image Generation Results