Example of Java/Scala grpc client for tensorflow_serving (https://github.com/tensorflow/serving)
Example of Java/Scala grpc client for tensorflow_serving (https://github.com/tensorflow/serving)
first you have to install protobuf
(and protoc
) in your machine (the current version is 3.1.0v):
$ brew install protobuf
then you have to build the grpc-java plugin
and also the grpc-java
project (https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java) to use the generated libs:
$ git clone https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java.git
$ cd compiler
$ ../gradlew java_pluginExecutable
The generated plugin is inside <project-root>/compiler/build/exe/java_plugin/
To build the grpc-java
project, first create the file <project-root>/gradle.properties
and add the line skipCodegen=true
into it.
Then, inside terminal, navigate to the root directory and execute
$ ./gradlew_build
The generated libs are inside the folders <project-root>/<module>/build/libs/
I had many dependency problems, that is why I had to build the grpc-java
code and use the libs created during the build (the grpc-java
version available in mavencentral
seems to be outdated).
Then you have to compile the tensorflow_serving .proto files
and serving/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework
The .proto
files inside apis
have dependencies that are inside ..tensorflow/core/framework/
so, to make things easier,
I copied the proto files from apis
to framework
I had problems with the import paths used inside the .proto
files so I had to edit them, e.g.:
import tensorflow/core/framework/some.proto
was changed to
import some.proto
because all the .proto files were in the same directory.
Inside terminal, navigate to serving/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework
and compile the files using the java-plugin with the command:
$ protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=protoc-gen-grpc-java \
--grpc-java_out=$OUT_DIR --java_out=$OUT_DIR *.proto
is .
(the folder I am already in) and my $OUT_DIR
is java-pb-files
$ /usr/local/Cellar/protobuf/3.1.0/bin/protoc -I=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=protoc-gen-grpc-java \
--grpc-java_out=java-pb-files --java_out=java-pb-files *.proto