Auto Label training data using a small trained model
Auto Label training data using a small trained model trained by using a small hand labelled dataset
This repository gives you all of the required dataset and trained model to test the supplied scripts with. The dataset supplied is a small sample set of Stanford Ai car dataset
To use your own dataset and custom model follow the Tensorflow Object Detection API to train the model and hand label the images with labelImg or any PascalVoc labelling tool. Train for a couple thousand steps to get an adequate detection confidence (80% +). I used 200 hand labelled images to train with.
After you have acquired the frozen graph, add it to a folder and specify it inside the python scripts under MODEL_NAME and PATH_TO_CKPT. Also ensure to have the label map added here and specified under PATH_TO_LABELS.
The Dataset/Raw folder is a dump folder for images scrapped or gathered which you would like to be sorted using your trained model.
Run to sort your classes into folders under the Dataset/ path.
Then run to label the sorted classes (specify the classes in CLASS_NAME list). Change the other constants as required.
After the run is complete, check the labelled images by going to labelImg and selecting “Open Dir” and selecting “Change Save Dir” to the class folder under “Dataset/“. This will load the generated annotations for you to verify on each image.
Please note that auto_label and object_detection_runner is not owned by me and a lot of the coding done was made by Google and other open source contributors
I only added some extra features to generate PascalVoc xml files for each class detected.
Stanford Ai Car Dataset
3D Object Representations for Fine-Grained Categorization
Jonathan Krause, Michael Stark, Jia Deng, Li Fei-Fei
4th IEEE Workshop on 3D Representation and Recognition, at ICCV 2013 (3dRR-13). Sydney, Australia. Dec. 8, 2013.
Tensorflow Object Detection API