one-style and multi-style custom neural transformation
Thie repository presents:
using TensorFlow and OpenCV.
For custom transformation, a pre-trained VGG16 model was used to extract styles and contents of an arbitrary image. For simple implementation, a pre-trained neural style transfer model was obtained from TF Hub.
Style art images were obtained from Google for demonstration purposes.
List of arts used:
For two-style transfer, depth and number of the style layers can be optimized for different results.
Compared to the one-style transfer image (Weeping Woman), the effect of the second art is clearly visible in the two-style transfer image. In the two-style image:
Many hyperparameters are involved in this fitting process. Thus, based on specific purposes, hyperparameters can be adjusted to create unique results. For the fast implementation of general neural style transfer (limited to one-style), a pre-trained model on TF_hub can be utilized as described below.