Customize Windows 10 with FHD Backgrounds and Fluent Design File Explorer, Powershell 7 preview, Azure CLI, CMD and WSL (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali) with Docker and ... .NET 5
I share this windows 10 settings, which I hope you ❤️ if you´re a .NET developer, in the resources folder you will find backgrounds, logos and fonts for your terminal and your wallpaper, the font Cascadia Code for PowerShell and
Droid Sans Mono is for WSL, in the Terminal Windows folder is the .JSON configuration file of my terminal, enjoy it
What you need to customize your terminal
1.-Download this repository from Zip or Git
2.-Upgrading to Windows 10 20H2.
3.-Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store
4.-PowerShell from the Microsoft Store
5.-Git for Windows and Git for WSL
6.-Debian-based Linux distributions from the Microsoft Store
7.-SUSE-bases Linux distributions from the Microsoft Store
8.-Love and peace
Linux distributions: OpenSUSE Leap 15.2, Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 10 and Kali
A series of step-by-step examples that tells you what to run to customize PowerShell on your Terminal
Once downloaded the Windows Terminal and this repository copies the fonts from folders to Windows Fonts, remembers Cascadia Code for PowerShell and DroidSansMono for WSL
Run a PowerShell Terminal as an administrator and then install Oh-my-posh in PowerShell with the following commands; remember to decline for trusting the source:
Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser
Import the modules into your PowerShell profile
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-PoshPrompt -Theme Aliens
Remove restrictions on modules
Set Execution-Policy Unrestricted
In the resources folder, leave the JSON settings of my profile, use it for the general configuration of the terminal, for the configuration of the different shells, CLI and command prompt that you have, and for the powershell and WSL color schemes. Compare it to your JSON settings and don’t complicate your life copy and paste.
If all went well, the result is…
A series of step-by-step examples that tells you what to run to customize Windows Subsystem for Linux on your terminal, if you installed the DroidSansMono fonts you already have the first step, the next step is to copy the logos from the resources folder.
If you work on local disk C, this should be the path where to paste the logos:
In this tutorial we will work with openSUSE, but you can do this in Debian based distribution , using APT as a package manager should not see problems.
Update the system and install zsh and oh-my-zsh, I leave you here the commands:
sudo zypper update
sudo zypper install zsh
Clone and accept that zsh is your default shell:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Clone the powerlevel10k theme:
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Open the zsh configuration file:
vim ~/.zshrc
Change the “ruselnoseque” theme to:
Now close and reopen your terminal, when you open it you will see a screen to configure your theme powerlevel10k, it´s basic english, here is more explain to do, if you want to re-adjust the theme type this command:
p10k configure
Finally set up the OpenSUSE profile in the windows terminal settings, customize to your liking, this is mine
One more thing, to install it in Debian based distributions you have to use the apt package manager, with the same process
sudo apt update
sudo apt install zsh -y
A standard software package (known as a “container”) groups an application’s code with the associated libraries and configuration files, along with the dependencies required for the application to run. This allows developers and IT professionals to deploy applications seamlessly across all environments
First we need to upgrade to windows subsystem for linux to version 2 (Incorporates a complete Linux Kernel built by Microsoft itself and released with the windows 2004 version… build X)
With the following command we list the installed Linux distributions
wsl -l
Now we convert WSL 1 to WSL 2 with the following command by adding the distro name with parameter 2
wsl --set-version (distro) 2
With this command we list the distros with their version
wsl -l -v
Now download and install Docker Desktop or use winget package manager from powershell (with WSL 2 you don’t need to have Windows 10 pro or enterprise to use it)
winget install docker
In the installation make sure that Docker accesses WSL and at the end of the installation make sure that the Docker engine is WSL-enabled and uses the default distro, if not refreshes and marks the distribution to use, as in the following image
Finally check that everything went well, open a new terminal with the Linux distro configured for Docker and run the following image
docker run hello-world
⌨️ With ❤️ By Jonas-Lara 😊