Kotlin utilites: Result wrapper, AsyncTask, SuspendTask, etc
Kotlin utilities: Result
wrapper, AsyncResult
, AsyncTask
, SuspendTask
, etc
The Result<T>
class represents a result of some method call and provides the caller with a requested value of type T
or an exception, in case if something’s gone awry.
Returning a Result
from a method that can fail, replaces the usual approach to throw an exception or return the null in case of an execution failure.
// from execution of a code block
val result1 = Result { 10 / 10 } // Result<Int>(1)
val result2 = Result { 10 / 0 } // Result<Int>(ArithmeticException)
// from constructor
fun devide(a: Int, b: Int): Result<Int> = if (b != 0) Result(a / b) else Result(ArithmeticException())
val result31: Result<Int> = devide(10, 0) // Result<Int>(ArithmeticException)
val result32: Result<Int> = devide(10, 10) // Result<Int>(1)
// from companion's functions
val result4: Result<String> = Result.Success("ok") // Result<String>("ok")
val result7: Result<Int> = Result.Failure(ArithmeticException()) // Result<Int>(ArithmeticException)
val result5: Result<Exception> = Result.Success(Exception()) // successful Result<Exception>(Exception)
val (value, exception) = Result("ok") // value = "ok"; exception = null
Result { 10 / 0 }.let { (value, exception) -> println("v=$value; e=$exception") } // v=null; e=ArithmeticException
Simple usage
val okay = Result { 10 / 10 } //Result<Int>(1)
val oops = Result { 10 / 0 } // Result<Int>(ArithmeticException)
val s0 = okay.value ?: 0 + 1 // = 2
val f0 = oops.value ?: 0 + 1 // = 1
val s1 = okay.valueOrThrow + 1 // = 2
// val f1 = oops.valueOrThrow + 1 // throws ArithmeticException
val s2 = okay.value!! + 1 // = 2
// val f2 = oops.value!! + 1 // throws NullPointerException
val s3 = okay.valueOr(0) + 1 // = 2
val f3 = oops.valueOr(0) + 1 // = 1
val s4 = okay.valueOr { if (it is ArithmeticException) 0 else 1 } + 1 // = 2
val f4 = oops.valueOr { if (it is ArithmeticException) 0 else 1 } + 1 // = 1
val e0 = okay.exception // is null
val e1 = oops.exception // is ArithmeticException
val b0 = if (okay.isSuccess) 1 else 0 // = 1
val b1 = if (oops.isFailure) 1 else 0 // = 1
okay.onSuccess { println("success") }.onFailure { println("failure 1") } // prints "success"
oops.onSuccess { println("success") }.onFailure { println("failure 2") } // prints "failure 2"
oops.onFailureOf<ArithmeticException> { println("failure 3") } // prints "failure 3"
oops.onFailureOfNot<ArithmeticException> { println("failure 4") } // prints nothing
oops.onFailureOf<Exception> { println("failure 5") } // prints "failure 5"
oops.onFailureOfNot<NullPointerException> { println("failure 6") } // prints "failure 6"
val w0 = oops.wrapFailure { IllegalStateException() } // exception is IllegalStateException with cause: ArithmeticException
/* Value transformation */
val t0 = okay.mapFailure { 0 } // Result(1)
val t1 = oops.mapFailure { 0 } // Result(0)
val t11 = oops.mapFailureOf<ArithmeticException> { 0 } // Result(0)
val t12 = oops.mapFailureOfNot<NullPointerException> { 0 } // Result(0)
// Chaining
val t2 = okay.mapSuccess { "ok" }.mapFailure { "oops" } // Result("ok")
val t3 = oops.mapSuccess { "ok" }.mapFailure { "oops" } // Result("oops")
/* Result transformation */
val t4 = okay.flatMapSuccess {
if (it == 0) Result("ok") else Result(Exception("oops"))
// t4 is Result<String>(Exception)
val t5 = okay.flatMapSuccess {
if (it == 1) Result("ok") else Result(Exception("oops"))
// t5 is Result("ok")
// Chaining
val t6 = oops.flatMapSuccess { Result("ok") }.flatMapFailure {
if (it is ArithmeticException) Result("wrong") else Result(Exception("oops"))
// t6 is Result("wrong")
val t7 = oops.flatMapSuccess { Result("ok") }.flatMapFailure {
if (it is ArithmeticException) Result(Exception("oops")) else Result("wrong")
// t6 is Result<String>(Exception)
The AsyncResult
is an interface designed to represent a Result
that may not be currently available but can be obtained on completion of some async execution via theonComplete
The following are implementations:
: asynchronously executes code block (see description below);SuspendTask
: executes suspension code block (see description below);ThreadTask
: asynchronously executes code block in separate thread;ReadyAsyncResult
: already complete result. Usage example:
ThreadTask { Thread.sleep(1000); "ok" }.onComplete { println("v=${it.value}; e=${it.exception}") }
An AsyncResult
of the code block execution.
. Usage example:
AsyncTask(1000) {"ok"}.onComplete { println("v=${it.value}; e=${it.exception}") }
An AsyncResult
of suspension code block execution which is performed in a context of the coroutine.
Usage example:
suspend fun longRun(): String { Thread.sleep(1000); return "ok" }
// async execution
val result: AsyncResult<String> = SuspendTask.async { longRun() }
result.onComplete { println("v=${it.value}; e=${it.exception}") }
// suspended execution
val result: Result<String> = SuspendTask { longRun() }
val value = result.valueOr("oops") // = "ok"
Gradle dependency:
compile 'com.github.just-4-fun:kotlinkit:0.4'
Maven dependency: