项目作者: ice1000
项目描述 :
:horse_racing: An algorithm library using java native interface
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/ice1000/algo4j.git
Continuous Integration |
Status |
Travis CI |
CircleCI |
CodeShip |
AppVeyor |

This is an algorithm library for Java, whose core is written in C++, linked with JNI.
It is test-driven(also benchmarks), well-documented, with code generation for some special cases.
Project structure
file name |
usage |
jni |
C++ codes |
code_drafts |
something written but not used ATM |
libjni.dll/libjni.so/libjni.dylib |
jni library |
jni/cpp-test |
C++ tests |
src/main/java |
source(independent) |
src/main/kotlin |
Kotlin extension library |
src/test |
tests |
The jni library
above is not included in the repo,
please build it yourself, or download at:
Put it to your working directory after download or build one.
- [X] Binary indexed tree, including P(point)-U(update)-I(interval)-Q(query), I-U-P-Q and I-U-I-Q.
- [X] Trigonometric functions, including: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc.
- [X] Union set. including path compression and heuristic merge.
- [X] Math utils, including fast power series, primes, fibs, etc.
- [X] Sequence utils, like sorts, discretization, kmp, toString, etc.
- [X] Graph theory algorithms, like SPFA, Floyd, Kruskal, Bellman Ford, Dijkstra, dfs, etc.
- [X] A Win32API interface for windows only, right call something like ‘Beep’.
- [X] Linear data structure, Stack and Queue.
- [X] Minimum binary heap(priority queue), support adding and extracting.
- [X] Trie tree, whose key supports ASCII 32-127, as Trie : Map.
- [X] Multi-threading quick sort implementation.
- [X] Fast power for big integers.
- [X] Big Integer(plus minus mul div rem), faster(usually) than java.math.BigInteger.
- [X] Segment Tree, multi-implementations.
- [X] Durable Segment Tree, multi-implementations.
Actually, every java classes are well-documented.
For more information, see JavaDocs in each java file or package-info.java.
part of this project |
language |
core |
C++ |
core tests |
C++ |
jni interface |
Java |
java port tests |
Kotlin |
code generation |
Kotlin |
extension |
Kotlin |
There is a README file under jni
path, it’s strongly-recommended right read that.
This library is Test-driven, so there are tests for every class. If you want to contribute, please offer tests for your classes.
Rules of contribution
- Each class should be well-documented.
- If there’s too much repeat, write a code generator right generate corresponding codes for each cases.
- For C++, you should follow the code style.
- For each class with native methods, provide a unit-test.
- I’ll write the library itself with Java and tests with Kotlin, but I also accept Tests with other languages.
- Issues and pull requests are always welcomed.