项目作者: yalematta

项目描述 :
BattleShip Game For 2 Players in Kotlin
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/yalematta/BattleShip.git
创建时间: 2020-03-17T09:04:19Z



BattleShip in Kotlin

This project aims to develop a Battleship game using Kotlin programming language.

BattleShip is a board game where to win you have to be the first to sink all 5 ships of your opponent’s ships.

Screens in this project

  • MainActivity to welcome the Player
  • LoginActivity to login using Email/Password (using Firebase Auth and Firebase-UI)
  • RoomsActivity to create a Room + wait for the second player, or choose a Room + join a player
  • SetupActivity to place the ships on the Board (Randomly or Manually)
  • GameActivity to shoot on the opponent’s board

Getting Started

If you’ve forked a copy of this Repo, don’t forget to:

  1. Set up your own Firebase project with a real google-services.json
  2. Enable Email/Password Sign in with Firebase Authentication
  3. Enable Firebase Realtime Database.

Use the following rules for the Database so only authenticated users can access/write data:

  1. {
  2. "rules": {
  3. ".read": "auth != null",
  4. ".write": "auth != null"
  5. }
  6. }

Features implemented in this project

  • Manual Ship Placing
  • Random Ship Placing
  • Play Live
  • Two-player
  • Basic Graphics

Designed the project using

  • Object Oriented approach, developing ‘real world’ entities such as Player, Board, Fleet of Ships, Score etc.
  • Model-View-ViewModel design pattern to separate concerns between the View, the Data and the Logic.
  • Data Structures:
    • The Board is a two-dimensional array which elements can be accessed by their x and y coordinates.
    • The Group of Ships (the fleet) is a arrayList in the Board class.

Improvements to be done

  • Ship Model should not handle coordinates / have them handled in the Board or by a ShipCaptain
  • Create a separate DatabaseStore Class to handle all things Firebase related
  • Use LiveData and don’t expose MutableLiveData to the SetupActivity
  • Have a Game/Room Model that handles the two players
  • Remove uneccessary functions in Orientation Enum
  • Add a ViewModel to the RoomsActivity
  • Adjust Layouts on Tablet