Blockchain abstraction layer
- ________ _ _ ____
- / ____/ /_ ____ _(_)___ (_) __/_ __
- / / / __ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ / /_/ / / /
- / /___/ / / / /_/ / / / / / / __/ /_/ /
- \____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/_/ /_/_/_/ \__, /
- /____/
Chainify is a flexible, modular library for developing disintermediated solutions across different blockchains.
The repository uses yarn workspaces for fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
The build system is using Turborepo
yarn install
yarn build
yarn test
yarn changeset
# choose the version bump - major, minor or patch
# add change summary
yarn version
# review changes
# yarn build —force
yarn release
yarn tag