A minimal interface for fetching resources from the web
A wrapper for isomorphic-fetch that makes fetching JSON easier and handles query parameters.
npm install fetch-resource
yarn add fetch-resource
import resource from 'fetch-resource'
const params = {
q: 'language:javascript',
sort: 'stars',
order: 'desc'
resource('https://api.github.com/search/repositories', params)
.then(data => { })
import resource from 'fetch-resource'
(async function () {
// a resource representing the collection
const collection = resource('https://example.com/items')
// create a new resource
const item = await collection.create({
title: 'foo'
// update the item
await item.update({
title: 'bar'
// fetch the updated data
const data = await item.fetch('json')
// delete the item
await item.kill()
import resource from 'fetch-resource'
const Page = ({items}) => (
{items.map(item => (
<div><a href={item.html_url}>{item.name}</a>: {item.stargazers_count}</div>
Page.getInitialProps = () => {
return resource('https://api.github.com/search/repositories', {
q: 'language:javascript',
sort: 'stars',
order: 'desc'