A lyric scraper for mp3s
A python script that scrapes lyrics from Genius and embeds it into a mp3’s ID3 tag.
Requires stagger, BeautifulSoup4 and requests.
To Install these, do
pip install stagger requests beautifulsoup4
To use the search functionality, you will need an Client Access Token, which you can get at https://genius.com/api-clients. Paste the Token in lyrical.py
To use the script, download lyrical.py
and point it towards an mp3 file.
lyrical.py music.mp3
If you have a bunch of mp3s with incorrect information or have feature artists in the artist/title tag, the script will (mostly) fail to find the lyrics.
To fix this, the script also supports identifing music via acoustID.
To use acoustID, place acoustID.py
alongside the script.
Then you will need to install chromaprint, which you can find here.
Download the binary and aslo place it alongside the script or in your system path.
If you are on linux, your distribution may have its own package.