项目作者: ericntd
项目描述 :
MVP + Dagger 2 demo for a simple Retrofit 2 app
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/ericntd/my-movies.git
The app
- Let you search movies on TheMovieDb by keyword and list the results
The code
- Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture with Espresso tests
- Demonstration of an API-back app (not a single Helloworld text view one) which is simple yet relatable enough
- The use of TheMovieDb‘s API, please sign up to get your own access token
The automated tests
- Espresso - TODO: to mock Retrofit reponse
- Non-UI/ logic unit tests - to be written
What are included?
- Dagger - to provide a Retrofit service with local caching for the app
- Without it, it’s difficult to pass a context object to the OkHttpClient powering Retrofit
- Without it, it’d more difficult to swap the real service with a “mock” one later on in a non-UI/ logic unit test (most likely with Robolectric) later on
What are not included?
- RxJava - for simplicity and focus on the MVP demonstration, will create a separate project with RxJava