项目作者: Starraider

项目描述 :
My DDEV configuration vor TYPO3 v10
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Starraider/devTypo3ddev.git
创建时间: 2020-05-22T03:20:33Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



GitHub issues
Lint Code Base

This is my local developer enviroment.
My base sitepackage skom_sitepackage is preinstalled.

Basic concept

The basic idea behind this project is to have an optimal development environment that I can use as a basis for all new customer projects. All modern best practices for TYPO3 projects should be applied.
The development environment should also provide all the necessary linting and testing tools. Furthermore, automated deployment to a beta-server as well as to the live-server should be as easy as possible.


A latest version of Docker and ddev-local must be available on the local system.


  1. mkdir myNewProject
  2. cd myNewProject
  3. git clone https://github.com/Starraider/devTypo3ddev . [1]
  4. git submodule update --init --recursive

[1]: If you get an error msg on MacOS, saying your folder is not empty: rm .DS_Store

Change the project name in .ddev/config.yaml and .env (must be the same name in both files, use lowercase):

  1. mcedit .ddev/config.yaml [2]
  2. name=my-project
  3. mcedit .env [2]
  4. PUBLIC_URL="https://my-project.ddev.site/"
  5. ddev start
  6. ddev composer install
  7. ddev exec yarn install
  8. ddev db-restore
  9. ddev fileadmin-restore

[2]: You can of course use your favorite editor to edit the files.


Before start working with your freshly installed project, follow the next steps:

1. Detach from original repo

For your own project you should detach your lokal repo from the original Github repo:

  1. git remote rm origin

Later you will edit the styles and templates etc. in your own custom sitepackage. We already installed a custom sitepackage as a starting point for you in /packages/custom_sitepackage. You should detach the custom_sitepackage from its original repo as well:

  1. git rm --cached packages/customer_sitepackage
  2. rm .gitmodules
  3. rm -rf packages/customer_sitepackage/.git
  4. rm -rf packages/customer_sitepackage/.github
  5. rm -rf .git/modules/packages/customer_sitepackage

2. Config the beta-server

3. Config the live-server

4. Make your own Github repo

  1. hub create
  2. git push -u origin HEAD

Start and Login

After Setup you should restart ddev:

  1. ddev restart

Now you can start the project in your webbrowser in 3 different ways:

  1. ddev open // Opens TYPO3-Frontend


  1. ddev open -t // Opens TYPO3-Backend

or just open https://my-project.ddev.site in your Webbrowser.

TYPO3-Backend Login:
Username: dev-admin
Passwort (same for the Intalltool): admin123



(Attention: don’t use “https://“ !)

Useful ddev commands

Single command execution:

  1. ddev exec <command>

Interactive bash:

  1. ddev ssh

Here you can find more usefull ddev commands


Use ‘ddev typo3cms …’ to use the TYPO3-Console.

Here you can find more usefull console commands

Defined commands


Run ‘ddev db-backup’ to generate a backup of the DB.


Run ‘ddev db-restore’ for restoring the DB.


Run ‘ddev fileadmin-restore’ to restore the files in fileadmin.


If you run ‘ddev warmup-dev’ every page from the sitemap will be fetched by wget to warm up the caches.


Run ‘ddev t3cron’ if you need the Scheduler.


For deployment we use Deployer.

First deployment

Before the first deployment, you must enter your beta-server and live-server credentials in the deployer.php file.

First deployment will fail, because you have to edit the .env file, which is automatically generated during the first deployment at the shared folder.

On the beta-server edit the .env file to:

  1. TYPO3_CONTEXT="Development//Beta"
  2. INSTANCE="beta"
  3. PUBLIC_URL="https://your.beta-server.tld/"
  4. And fill in the DB credentials of the beta-server.

On the live-server edit the .env file to:

  1. TYPO3_CONTEXT="Production"
  2. INSTANCE="live"
  3. PUBLIC_URL="https://your.live-server.tld/"
  4. And fill in the DB credentials of the live-server.

Deployment to beta- or live-server

  1. php vendor/bin/dep deploy -vv beta
  2. php vendor/bin/dep deploy -vv live

If something went wrong, you have to unlock the deployment:

  1. php vendor/bin/dep deploy:unlock -vv beta
  2. php vendor/bin/dep deploy:unlock -vv live


Code maintenance


Rector can help you with maintenance your PHP code by analyse it for changes you should fix.
Rector can even change your code for you. With the additional TYPO3-Rectors it can help you with keeping up with the changes in the TYPO3-System.
[more >>]

Dry run:

  1. vendor/bin/typo3-rector process packages/customer_sitepackage --dry-run

Let’s rector do the work for you:

  1. vendor/bin/typo3-rector process packages/customer_sitepackage

You can config Rector in the rector.php file.


TypoScript Linter

Linter for TypoScript.
[more >>]

  1. typoscript-lint path/to/your.typoscript


  1. typoscript-lint packages/customer_sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript

(S)CSS Linter

Linter for CSS, SCSS, SASS, and LESS files.
[more >>]

  1. npx stylelint --config ./.stylelintrc.json "path/to/dir/**/*.scss"


  1. npx stylelint --config ./.stylelintrc.json "packages/customer_sitepackage/**/*.{css,scss}"


Linter for JavaScript, yaml and markdown files, which can also automatically correct coding standard violations.
[more >>]

  1. npx eslint "path/to/dir/**/*.js"
  2. npx eslint --fix "path/to/dir/**/*.js"
  3. npx eslint "path/to/file/file.yaml"
  4. npx eslint . --ext .yml
  5. npx eslint file.md


  1. npx eslint "packages/customer_sitepackage/**/*.js"
  2. npx eslint "packages/customer_sitepackage/**/*.{yaml,yml}"
  3. npx eslint README.md


Bootlint is a HTML linter for bootstrap projects.
[more >>]

  1. npx bootlint "path/to/dir/**/*.html"


  1. npx bootlint "packages/customer_sitepackage/**/*.html"

PHP CodeSniffer

PHP CodeSniffer is a linter, which can also automatically correct coding standard violations.

Configuration file: phpcs.ruleset.xml
[more >>]

  1. vendor/bin/phpcs path/to/dir
  2. vendor/bin/phpcs path/to/file


  1. vendor/bin/phpcs packages/customer_sitepackage

Use phpcbf to automatically fix as many errors as possible.

  1. vendor/bin/phpcbf path/to/dir -vv
  2. vendor/bin/phpcbf path/to/file -vvv


PHP code standard fixer.
[more >>]

To fix your php files automaticly:

  1. vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix path/to/dir
  2. vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix path/to/file

If you use the dir syntax all subdirs will be checked as well!

To make a dry run:

  1. vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run path/to/file

To show details use the parameter -v -vv or -vvv


  1. vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix packages/customer_sitepackage -v
  2. vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix public/typo3conf/ext/skom_sitepackage --dry-run -vvv


PHP linter.
[more >>]

  1. vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --level 0..8 path/to/dir


  1. vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l 5 public/typo3conf/ext/skom_sitepackage


Very fast php linter.
[more >>]

  1. vendor/bin/parallel-lint path/to/dir
  2. vendor/bin/parallel-lint path/to/file


  1. vendor/bin/parallel-lint public/typo3conf/ext/skom_sitepackage


PHP linter checking for possible bugs, suboptimal code, overcomplicated expressions and unused code.
[more >>]

  1. vendor/bin/phpmd path/to/dir format ruleset

format can be: xml, text, ansi (best for terminal output), html, json.

rulesets are: codesize,unusedcode,naming,cleancode,controversial,design


  1. vendor/bin/phpmd public/typo3conf/ext/skom_sitepackage ansi codesize,unusedcode,naming


To get some statistics about your PHP project, you could use phploc
[more >>]

  1. vendor/bin/phploc path/to/dir


  1. vendor/bin/phploc packages/customer_sitepackage
  2. vendor/bin/phploc public/typo3conf/ext/skom_sitepackage


Linter for HTML files or websites. Be aware this linter doesn’t work with fluid templates!
But it can check websites! [more >>]

  1. npx htmlhint path/to/dir
  2. npx htmlhint https://www.mywebsite.de

Developed 2020 by Sven Kalbhenn

If you have any questions about this project or just want to talk:
Send me a message sven@skom.de