项目作者: prooph

项目描述 :
Event Store Management UI
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/prooph/event-store-mgmt-ui.git
创建时间: 2017-07-11T18:11:49Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License



Work In Progress

The ES-Mgmt-UI is under heavy development. If you are interested you can install it and
explore it of your own. More information is provided later when we have a first working version.


React + Redux + Semantic UI Frontend

Based on wmonk/create-react-app-typescript but it’s ejected for customization.

This application uses semantic ui themes. Take a look at the semantic folder.
Note: We have to copy the themes from the nodes_modules package semantic-ui to semantic manually after updates to get the latest assets.


After you have copied these sources to your project you may want to change some default values.
This is a list of files which contains default values.

  • app.env.dist: url
  • config/webpack.config.dev.js: publicPath and publicUrl settings
  • config/webpack.config.prod.js: URL pattern for service worker
  • config/webpackDevServer.config.js: public and allowedHosts settings
  • package.json: change name
  • public/index.html: change title
  • public/manifest.json: change name
  • src/api/ConfiguredAxios.ts: base API url
  • src/notify.tsx: change logo
  • src/reducer.ts: add your reducers
  • src/registerServiceWorker.ts: notification text

Frontend build

We have a two stage build.

All assets are put to src/theme folder and referenced via TS files. The webpack loader does the rest.

  • First we have to build semantic ui theme which is used in index.ts file and compiled to src/theme/semantic
    • If you change something in the semantic folder you have to compile the semantic theme and after that the react app.
  • Second we build our react application


You have to manually install the dependencies and to compile the semantic ui theme.

  1. docker run --rm --env-file=app.env.dist -i -v $(pwd):/app sandrokeil/typescript yarn install
  2. docker run --rm --env-file=app.env.dist -i -p 4000 -p 3000 -v $(pwd):/app sandrokeil/typescript yarn run semantic

Now you can start the development server and open http://localhost:3000/ in your favourite browser.

  1. $ docker run --rm --env-file=app.env.dist -i -p "4000:4000" -p "3000:3000" -v $(pwd):/app sandrokeil/typescript yarn start


  1. docker run --rm --env-file=app.env.dist -i -v $(pwd):/app sandrokeil/typescript yarn test

Production build

  1. docker run --rm --env-file=app.env.dist -i -v $(pwd):/app sandrokeil/typescript yarn run build

Browser extensions