项目作者: bahmani00
项目描述 :
DDD implementation of Snack Machine
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/bahmani00/SnackMachine.git
DDD implementation of Snack Machine
DDD implementation of Snack Machine, coming from design-in-practice course.
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Libraries used
- Mediator pattern - (my custom) process requests delegator inside Application\Seedwork.
- Dapper - to query database
- GuardClauses - use GuardClauses
- FluentValidation, xUnit - for unit testing
- AutoMapper - define mappings between Domain Entities and DTOs.
- (Configs to setup either Ef or nHibernate as ORM)
- NHibernate - .Net ORM to access data.
- Entity Framework Core - MS .Net ORM to access data.
- (Configs to setup either LightInject or Autofac as IoC)
- Autofac & .Net DependencyInjection - Dependency Injection library to wire project’s dependencies into .Net built-in DI(ServiceCollection).
- LightInject & .Net DependencyInjection - Dependency Injection library to wire project’s dependencies into .Net built-in DI(ServiceCollection).
Getting started
- Clone the repo.
- Run ‘database.sql’ on sql server.
- Set ConnectionString on ‘App.config’
- Run the WPF project
- Switch to either NHibernate or Ef through app.config.
- Switch to either LightInject or Autofac through app.config.
- Seedwork
- Mediator
- UnitOfWork
- Domain Event
- Anemic class
- IoC
- Checkout Issues
- TODOs comments in the codebase