项目作者: bahmani00

项目描述 :
DDD implementation of Snack Machine
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/bahmani00/SnackMachine.git
创建时间: 2020-04-03T14:02:33Z



DDD implementation of Snack Machine


DDD implementation of Snack Machine, coming from design-in-practice course.

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Libraries used

  • Mediator pattern - (my custom) process requests delegator inside Application\Seedwork.
  • Dapper - to query database
  • GuardClauses - use GuardClauses
  • FluentValidation, xUnit - for unit testing
  • AutoMapper - define mappings between Domain Entities and DTOs.
  • (Configs to setup either Ef or nHibernate as ORM)
  • NHibernate - .Net ORM to access data.
  • Entity Framework Core - MS .Net ORM to access data.
  • (Configs to setup either LightInject or Autofac as IoC)
  • Autofac & .Net DependencyInjection - Dependency Injection library to wire project’s dependencies into .Net built-in DI(ServiceCollection).
  • LightInject & .Net DependencyInjection - Dependency Injection library to wire project’s dependencies into .Net built-in DI(ServiceCollection).

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Run ‘database.sql’ on sql server.
  3. Set ConnectionString on ‘App.config’
  4. Run the WPF project
  5. Switch to either NHibernate or Ef through app.config.
  6. Switch to either LightInject or Autofac through app.config.


  1. Seedwork
  2. Mediator
  3. UnitOfWork
  4. Domain Event
  5. Anemic class
  6. IoC


  • Checkout Issues
  • TODOs comments in the codebase