项目作者: sungchun12
项目描述 :
Press a button to light up and play FFVII victory fanfare theme music
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/sungchun12/aiy-vision-kit.git
Press a button to light up and play FFVII victory fanfare theme music.
This was based on Google’s AIY Vision Kit and taken from the main repository in the links below.
Repo: https://github.com/google/aiyprojects-raspbian
Website: https://aiyprojects.withgoogle.com/vision/
Demo Video: Click image to watch!

- Download ‘buzzer_victory_fanfare.py’ into your vision kit’s directory
- Open the rasberry pi terminal for your vision kit
- Copy and paste the directory path where you placed the file
- Open the terminal
- Type into terminal: “cd (your-path-in-step-3)”
- Type into terminal: ./buzzer_victory_fanfare.py
- Wait for it to autostart
- Press the button as many times as you want
- Press “ctrl+c” to stop the script
- Play the song in victory of whatever moment you want