LightDM Webkit Greeter for Debian
This is a pre-built package of the fancy Webkit Greeter for Debian x64.
I encapsulated the installation in a Docker container to be more platform independent and to isolate the build dependencies.
Installation requires following steps:
git clone greeter
cd greeter && mkdir build
docker build -t "lightdm-webkit-greeter" .
docker run --rm -v $PWD/build:/root/build --name "lightdm-webkit-greeter" lightdm-webkit-greeter
dpkg -i build/lightdm-webkit-greeter_2.0.0.deb
Do not forget to setup the new greeter with “greeter-session=lightdm-webkit-greeter” in “/etc/lightdm.conf”.
Change also the theme to simple or webkit in “/etc/lightdm-webkit-greeter.conf”.
Themes are placed in “/usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes” and can be fully customized with HTML.
Tested on Debian Stretch.
Are welcome! Especially people with experience in releasing software in the official debian repo for a few hints.
Many thanks to the Launchpad Project.