Brainloller interpreter and editor. Runs your brainloller program while displaying execution and memory information.
A Brainloller debugger and code editor. To play around with the debugger, go
to my site or run locally by downloading this
repo and running make install run
In order to allow users to both upload and link to Brainloller programs, and
not having to process the image on the client and potentially running into CORS
limitations, I’ve created a handfull of services that untimately process and
image and send back the pixel data:
for temporary file storage
for turning any endpoint into a jsonp resource
for image processing
curl -X POST -F file=@brainloller/helloworld.png
# -> {"name":"STOTAoaKaKyeIESyzXPlpeIupXDcbDyt"}
curl "$imgprocess&method=POST&body=%7B%22path%22:%22$imgfileurl%22%7D"
# -> callback({"isBase64Encoded":false,"statusCode":400,"headers":{},"body":{"pixels":[[{"R":255,"G":0,"B":0,"A":255}, ...