A powerful debug and profilers tool for the Phalcon Framework
Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Phalcon Framework.
to see data(and it alse can be disabled).db
service. Only for Phalcon ORM.entityManager
service. Only for Doctrine ORM.router
and Monologlog
php composer.phar require --dev snowair/phalcon-debugbar
php composer.phar update snowair/phalcon-debugbar
Set your App Instance to DI:
$application = new Phalcon\Mvc\Application( $di ); // Important: mustn't ignore $di param . The Same Micro APP: new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro($di);
$di['app'] = $application; // Important
Before handle app, register and boot debugbar provider.
(new Snowair\Debugbar\ServiceProvider())->start();
// after start the debugbar, you can do noting but handle your app right now.
echo $application->handle()->getContent();
optional to use Whoops, modify the index.php, add follow codes bellow the debugbar service start()
(new \Snowair\Debugbar\Whoops\WhoopsServiceProvider($di));
Here is a example for INVO:
public function beforeDispatch(Event $event, Dispatcher $dispatcher)
$auth = $this->session->get('auth');
if (!$auth){
$role = 'Guests';
} else {
$role = 'Users';
$controller = $dispatcher->getControllerName();
$action = $dispatcher->getActionName();
/* Debugbar start */
$ns = $dispatcher->getNamespaceName();
if ($ns=='Snowair\Debugbar\Controllers') {
return true;
/* Debugbar end */
$acl = $this->getAcl();
$allowed = $acl->isAllowed($role, $controller, $action);
if ($allowed != Acl::ALLOW) {
'controller' => 'errors',
'action' => 'show401'
return false;
For file driver, the default directory for store debugbar data is Runtime/phalcon
. If it doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically. You can change it by reconfig.
For mongodb driver, You must install the mongodb extension and install the phplib : composer require mongodb/mongodb
For elastic driver, You must install the phplib : composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch:some-version
Be aware of the baseUri configuration of your project, you must set a currect baseUri for your uri service.
If you are using apache, you should enable the Rewrite mod and have a .htaccess
file under the baseUri directory.
If you are using nginx, you should enable the Rewrite mod and edit the location block of the server configuration like this:
location @rewrite {
# replace 'baseuri' to your real baseuri
rewrite ^/baseuri/(.*)$ /baseuri/index.php?_url=/$1;
Copy config/debugbar.php
to your config directory, and change any settings you want. Then use your debugbar config file by:
(new Snowair\Debugbar\ServiceProvider('your-debugbar-config-file-path'))->start();
\PhalconDebug::startMeasure('start-1','how long'); // startMeasure($internal_sign_use_to_stop_measure, $label)
\PhalconDebug::addMeasurePoint('start'); // measure the spent time from latest measurepoint to now.
\PhalconDebug::addMessage('this is a message', 'label'); // add a message using a custom label.
\PhalconDebug::info($var1,$var2, $var3, ...); // add many messages once a time. See PSR-3 for other methods name.(debug,notice,warning,error,...)
\PhalconDebug::addMessageIfTrue('1 == "1"', 1=='1','custom_label'); // add message only when the second parameter is true
\PhalconDebug::addMessageIfTrue('will not show', 1=='0');
\PhalconDebug::addMessageIfFalse('1 != "0" ', 1=='0'); // add message only when the second parameter is false
\PhalconDebug::addMessageIfNull('condition is null', Null ); // add message only when the second parameter is NULL
\PhalconDebug::addMessageIfEmpty('condition is emtpy', $condition ); // add message only when the second parameter is empty
\PhalconDebug::addMessageIfNotEmpty('condition is not emtpy', $condition=[1] ); // add message only when the second parameter is not empty
\PhalconDebug::addException(new \Exception('oh , error'));
\PhalconDebug::stopMeasure('start-1'); // stopMeasure($internal_sign_use_to_stop_measure)
{{ debug( var1, var2 )}}
{{ info( var1, var2 )}}
{{ addMessageIfTrue('$var === true', var ) }}
Usually, You needn’t modify any other files, if you follow rules bellow:
or end with db
to open a independent debugbar page.If your service name is’t match these rules, you need attach it to debugbar:
// service.php
$di->set('read-db-test',function(...)); // db service
$di->set('redis',function(...)); // cache service
if ( $di->has('debugbar') ) {
$debugbar = $di['debugbar'];
I strongly suggest you to assign a host domain to your project, and set the baseUri of uri
service to /
For ajax/json request, the debug data only stored in the persistent directory as a json file. You can
Load it to the debugbar form Openhandler(Open icon on the right).
If the debugbar does not work, the most likely reason is that one or more collectors triggered a error in the runtime.
You can modify the debugbar config file, close collector one by one, retry it until found the collector cause problem.
For any problems, you can open an Issue on Github.