Adding information from package build by continuousphp on the debugbar
Adding information from package build by continuousphp on the php debugbar.
On continuousphp, when you have a package, it comes with a nice json file continuousphp.package
that contains interesting values.
So let’s print them in the debugbar.
composer require --dev grummfy/php-debugbar-continuousphp
Then add to your debugbar :
$debugbar->addCollector(new Grummfy\DebugBar\ContinuousphpCollector('path/to/continuousphp.package'));
On any bar based on php-debugbar, it will be the same.
An example with laravel:
Debugbar::addCollector(new Grummfy\DebugBar\ContinuousphpCollector('path/to/continuousphp.package'));
Personally I add it inside an AppServiceProvider inside the providers directory.
To get a simple demo, go to demo dir and run
composer install
php -S localhost:8080
Open your browser to http://localhost:8080 .
You should see this