项目作者: IL2HorusTeam

项目描述 :
Docker image with 32-bit Wine
高级语言: Dockerfile
项目地址: git://github.com/IL2HorusTeam/docker-wine.git
创建时间: 2016-10-30T15:19:55Z




This repository contains a definition of a Docker image with wine 5.0 installed.

Its primary purpose is to be used to run 32-bit Windows applications.

The image is based on i386/debian:buster-slim, which is 32-bit Debian Buster (Debian 10).

While it’s possible to build this image using 64-bit architecture and to run 32-bit apps in it, wine still will require 32-bit dependencies, which will just double the image size. Hence, for the sake of space usage, 32-bit architecture is used inside of the container.

Public builds

This Docker image is available as il2horusteam/wine at Docker Hub:

  1. docker pull il2horusteam/wine

Build Args

The image has several arguments which can be changed during the build time:

Arg Name Default Value Description
WINEVERSION 5.0 Version of wine to install
WINEUID 999 UID to use for the user wine
WINEGID 999 GID to use for the user wine


The image provides:

  • wine of version 5.0 installed in 32-bit runtime.
  • wine group.
  • wine user belonging to the wine group with home dir at /home/wine. No login shell.
  • Configured 32-bit wine prefix at /home/wine/.wine32.
  • ENV variables:

    | Var Name | Used by wine? | Value | Description |
    | ——————— | ———————- | ——————————- | —————- |
    | WINEVERSION | no | 5.0 | Version of installed wine; defaults to $WINEVERSION build arg |
    | WINEHOME | no | "/home/wine" | Path to home directory of the wine user |
    | WINEPREFIX | yes | "$WINEHOME/.wine32" | Path to wine configs and installed Windows apps |
    | WINEARCH | yes | "win32" | Used by wine tools |