项目作者: samapriya

项目描述 :
CLI pipeline for Planet, Satellogic, Digital Globe & Google Earth Engine Imagery
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/samapriya/satadd.git
创建时间: 2018-10-02T12:35:46Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


satadd: CLI pipeline for Planet, Satellogic, Google Earth Engine and Digital Globe Imagery

PyPI version

Cite as

  1. Samapriya Roy. (2018, October 6). samapriya/satadd: satadd: CLI pipeline for Planet, Satellogic,
  2. Google Earth Engine and Digital Globe Imagery (Version 0.0.3). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1450622

Google Earth Engine opened the door for the possibility of getting a curated list of public datasets already ingested in an analysis platform. With over 450+ raster datasets alone, they form one of the most unique collections for publicly available datasets and are still growing. While this was happening for free and open source datasets more and more data was coming in and companies were opening their doors to open data and has missions to include researchers, users, developers and everyone else who wanted to use this datasets. This included but is not limited to companies like Planet, Digital Globe and Satellogic making large chunks of their datasets open for users. Also introduction of high temporal resolution datasets like PlanetScope, high spatial resolution like Skysat and Digital Globe and high spectral resolution images like hyperspectral data from Satellogic was changing our approach to problem solving. While there has been development in building standard API and data access methods there is still room for growth and standrardization and above all easy access to these resources. Planet’s Open California Program, the Education and Research Program , Digital Globe’s Open Data Program and Education and Research program under Satellogic and their Open Data it became obvious that questions we can ask from these sensors could get interesting.

This tool was built with a focus on the same issues and borrow parts from my other projects such as ppipe for handling Planet’s datasets, gee2drive to handle download collections already available in Google Earth Engine (GEE), pygbdx which is a relatively new project to explore Digital Globe assets and I have now integrated tools to access and download Satellogic imagery. Core components from a lot of these tools have gone into building satadd based on the idea of adding satelite data as needed. These tools include authentications setups for every account, and access to datasets, metadata among other tools. This was not build however for heavy lifting though I have tested this on hundreds and thousands of assets delivery so it behaves robustly for now. The tool is build and rebuilt as companies change their authentication protocal and delivery mechanisms and allow for improving many aspects of data delivery and preprocessing in the next iterations.

While almost all of these tools allow for local export, GEE only exports for now to Google Drive or your Google Cloud Storage Buckets, though what is lost in the delivery endpoints is gained in the fact that GEE is already a mature platform to analyze and look at open datasets but also allows you to bring private datasets into GEE for analysis. So while data download and local analysis may have been the norm, it serves us well to think about posting analysis rather in analysis engines. But that is a discussion for a different time. At this point, I am hoping that this tool alows you to do exactly what the intentions might have been from different providers and to bring them together. Since this tool downloads data it is indeed bandwidth heavy and requires a steady internet connection. This tools handles authentication, downloading, and talking to different API end points and services. In the future I am hoping to include additional preprocessing and delivery to non local endpoints like existing ftp, servers or buckets.

Table of contents


This assumes that you have native python & pip installed in your system, you can test this by going to the terminal (or windows command prompt) and trying

python and then pip list

If you get no errors and you have python 2.7.14 or higher you should be good to go. Please note that I have released this as a python 2.7 but can be easily modified for python 3.

This toolbox also uses some functionality from GDAL
For installing GDAL in Ubuntu

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa && sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
  3. sudo apt-get install python-gdal

For Windows I found this guide from UCLA

Also for Ubuntu Linux I saw that this is necessary before the install

sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev

It has been brought to my attention that installing shapely on windows is not simply pip install shapely so install Shapely separately and use instructions from their pypi project page for Windows installation Shapely is important requirement for the tool but since the installation varies based on the operating system install it using the earlier instructions anyways before the next steps. On other operating systems pip install shapely should work just fine.

To install satadd
You can install using two methods

pip install satadd

or you can also try

  1. git clone https://github.com/samapriya/satadd.git
  2. cd satadd
  3. python setup.py install

For linux use sudo. This release also contains a windows installer which bypasses the need for you to have admin permission, it does however require you to have python in the system path meaning when you open up command prompt you should be able to type python and start it within the command prompt window. Post installation using the installer you can just call satadd using the command prompt similar to calling python. Give it a go post installation type

  1. satadd -h

Installation is an optional step; the application can be also run directly by executing satadd.py script. The advantage of having it installed is being able to execute satadd as any command line tool. I recommend installation within virtual environment. If you don’t want to install, browse into the satadd folder and try python satadd.py to get to the same result.

Getting started

As usual, to print help:

  1. usage: satadd.py [-h]
  2. {planetkey,dginit,satinit,eeinit,dasync,savedsearch,metadata,simple_search,footprint,satraster,satmeta,metalist,reproject,refresh,idsearch,intersect,band
  3. type,export}
  4. ...
  5. Simple CLI for piping Planet, Satellogic,GEE & GBDX Assets
  6. positional arguments:
  7. {planetkey,dginit,satinit,eeinit,dasync,savedsearch,metadata,simple_search,footprint,satraster,satmeta,metalist,reproject,refresh,idsearch,intersect,bandtype,export}
  8. planetkey Setting up planet API Key
  9. dginit Initialize Digital Globe GBDX
  10. satinit Initialize Satellogic Tokens
  11. eeinit Initialize Google Earth Engine
  12. credrefresh Refresh Satellogic & GBDX tokens
  13. dasync Uses the Planet Client Async Downloader to download Planet Assets: Does not require activation
  14. savedsearch Tool to download saved searches from Planet Explorer
  15. metadata Tool to tabulate and convert all metadata files from Planet
  16. Item and Asset types for Ingestion into GEE
  17. simple_search Simple search to look for DG assets that intersect your AOI handles KML/SHP/GEOJSON
  18. metadata Exports metadata for simple search into constitutent folders as JSON files
  19. footprint Exports footprint for metadata files extracted earlier
  20. and converts them to individual geometries (GeoJSON)and combined geometry (GeoJSON) file
  21. satraster Filter and download Satellogic Imagery
  22. satlist Get url for band list based on filtered Satellogic Imagery
  23. multiproc Multiprocess based downloader based on satlist
  24. satmeta Filter and download Satellogic Metadata
  25. metalist Generates Basic Metadata list per scene for Satellogic Imagery
  26. reproject Batch reproject rasters using EPSG code
  27. eerefresh Refreshes your personal asset list and GEE Asset list
  28. idsearch Does possible matches using asset name to give you asseth id/full path
  29. intersect Exports a report of all assets(Personal & GEE) intersecting with provided geometry
  30. bandtype Prints GEE bandtype and generates list to be used for export
  31. export Export GEE Collections based on filter
  32. optional arguments:
  33. -h, --help show this help message and exit

To obtain help for a specific functionality, simply call it with help switch, e.g.: satadd idsearch -h. If you didn’t install satadd, then you can run it just by going to satadd directory and running python satadd.py [arguments go here]

satadd Satellite Data Download Addon

This tool is designed to augment to the existing facilty of image export using a CLI, whereby you can pass it arguments to filter based on an area of interest geojson file, a start and end date for collection


Initialize and Authenticate

This is an autosuggestive terminal which uses the gee2add package to perform all of the functions but has autosuggest for Earth Engine catalog and your own personal catalog. This way you can get access to image id without needing the catalog id in the javascript codeeditor.

  1. planetkey Setting up planet API Key
  2. dginit Initialize Digital Globe GBDX
  3. satinit Initialize Satellogic Tokens
  4. eeinit Initialize Google Earth Engine
  5. credrefresh Refresh Satellogic & GBDX tokens

Each of these authentication tools allow you to link and save credentials for each of these services you can check them by typing something like satadd planetkey. Certain services require the authentication tokens to be refreshed you can simply access it using satadd credrefresh.

Planet Tools

The Planet Toolsets consists of tools required to access control and download planet labs assets (PlanetScope and RapidEye OrthoTiles) as well as parse metadata in a tabular form which maybe required by other applications. These tools are designed to interact with Planet’s Python Client and the saved search featured embedded in Planet Explorer and will allow you to access and download planet imagery and metadata as needed. This also allows you to process the metadata incase you are ingesting this to GEE.

  1. dasync Uses the Planet Client Async Downloader to download Planet Assets: Does not require activation
  2. savedsearch Tool to download saved searches from Planet Explorer
  3. metadata Tool to tabulate and convert all metadata files from Planet
  4. Item and Asset types for Ingestion into GEE

GBDX Tools

This is a simple cli to Digital Globe’s GBDX platform, this was designed from the perspective of community user (the freely available tier). This platform allows you to access all of DG’s Open data and also open Ikonos data along with Landsat and Sentinel datasets. You can create a notebook acccount here. The notebook setup offers additional tools, a GUI and interactive framework while CLI simplifies some of the operational needs of batch processing and performing calls using your own local machine. This tool will allow you to perform a simple seach using a geometry to get asset summary, export the metadata as json file and also image footprint as a combined and individual geojson files.

  1. simple_search Simple search to look for DG assets that intersect your AOI handles KML/SHP/GEOJSON
  2. metadata Exports metadata for simple search into constitutent folders as JSON files
  3. footprint Exports footprint for metadata files extracted earlier
  4. and converts them to individual geometries (GeoJSON)and combined geometry (GeoJSON) file

Satellogic Tools

This tool allows you to access the open data shared by Satellogic and filter and pass a geometry object to get both micro(multiband) and macro (hyperspectral) rasters, metadata and basic metadalist. The download tool is a multipart downloader to handle quick downloads. The metalist tool can be used to create a simple metadata list for you to batch upload imagery into GEE for analysis. The reproject tool is included to handle batch reprojections as needed. The tool uses geometry passed as a geojson object go to geojson.io. Satlist produces the band list urls and you can then use the multiproc tool to use multiprocessing to download the links.

  1. satraster Filter and download Satellogic Imagery
  2. satlist Get url for band list based on filtered Satellogic Imagery
  3. multiproc Multiprocess based downloader based on satlist
  4. satmeta Filter and download Satellogic Metadata
  5. metalist Generates Basic Metadata list per scene for Satellogic Imagery
  6. reproject Batch reproject rasters using EPSG code

GEE Tools

This tool allows you to use the gee2drive tool functionalities to explore, match and export existing collections in GEE. Export requires all the bandtypes to be of the same kind. For the past couple of months I have maintained a catalog of the most current Google Earth Engine assets, within their raster data catalog. I update this list every week. This tool downloads the most current version of this list, and allows the user to explore band types and export a collection as needed.

  1. eerefresh Refreshes your personal asset list and GEE Asset list
  2. idsearch Does possible matches using asset name to give you asseth id/full path
  3. intersect Exports a report of all assets(Personal & GEE) intersecting with provided geometry
  4. bandtype Prints GEE bandtype and generates list to be used for export
  5. export Export GEE Collections based on filter



  • Fixed issue with Shapely install on windows
  • Updated credrefresh to better refresh gbdx tokens


  • Added better filename parsing for Satellogic images
  • Added error handling for multiprocessing download of Satellogic images


  • Now searches for all DG and non DG assets available within GBDX
  • Added capability to create url list for rasters and download support using multiprocessing