项目作者: hiruna72

项目描述 :
Packet forwarding network simulator
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/hiruna72/CO227-PacketForwardingSimulator.git

CO227-PacketForwardingSimulator —> Project Website

Packet forwarding network simulator

store and forward method is used

input file method

[no of routers] [no of links]
[router1ProcessingDelay] [router2ProcessingDelay] // processing delays
//then describe link one by one
[router1] [router2] [link distance] [transmissionRateofLink]

to run
compile and run app.java file in

the parameters are in following units

processing delay - microSeconds (10-1000)
transmission rate - MegabitsPerSecond (1-7)
packet size - kiloBytes (1-5)
link distance - meters (several meters to thousonds of kilometers)
transmiiting speed - kmPerSecond (2e+05)

packet injection
[packetName] [source] [destination] [packetSize] [priorityValue]

the input used in the program

9 14
2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 0
0 1 10 10
0 7 20 10
1 2 30 15
1 7 40 20
2 3 60 20
2 8 70 14
2 5 80 16
3 4 50 10
3 5 40 20
4 5 60 15
5 6 90 15
6 7 75 15
6 8 65 13
7 8 45 45

which describes the following graph (discard lengths of links)

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