External controller that trigger Kubernetes Deployments on ConfigMap or Secret changes
This Kubernetes controller, when installed will let users to configure Secret or ConfigMap
names on Deployments that should trigger a rollout of this Deployment when the data inside
the Secret or ConfigMap change.
Demo: https://youtu.be/SRDsRZwAdlA
On Kubernetes, you can run the controller image:
$ kubectl run trigger-controller --image=docker.io/mfojtik/k8s-trigger-controller:latest --generator=deployment/apps.v1beta1
On OpenShift, you have to grant the controller permissions to work properly:
# Create special project and role
$ oc new-project k8s-trigger-controller
$ oc create clusterrole trigger-controller --verb=get,list,update,watch --resource=secrets,configmaps,deployments
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user trigger-controller system:serviceaccount:k8s-trigger-controller:default
$ kubectl run trigger-controller --image=docker.io/mfojtik/k8s-trigger-controller:latest --generator=deployment/apps.v1beta1 -n k8s-trigger-controller
First create Deployment:
$ kubectl run sleeper --image=docker.io/centos:7 --generator=deployment/apps.v1beta1 --command -- /bin/bash -c "sleep infinity"
Create Secret:
$ kubectl create secret generic top-secret --from-literal=foo=bar
Add the Secret into Deployment as a volume (in Kubernetes, edit the Deployment resource)
$ oc volume deployment/sleeper --add --secret-name=top-secret -m /secret
Now, once the trigger controller is running, you can annotate the Deployment to indicate that
you want to automatically rollout when the top-secret
Secret is changed:
$ kubectl annotate deployment/sleeper trigger.k8s.io/triggering-secrets='top-secret'
You can specify multiple Secrets separated by comma. For ConfigMaps, just use ‘-configMaps’ in the annotation.
Now, when you change the content of the Secret top-secret
(kubectl edit secret/top-secret
) and change
the value of the ‘foo’ key and save, you should see that a new rollout is triggered automatically.
When the controller observe Deployment with trigger.k8s.io/triggering-secrets
annotation, it will automatically
calculate hash of the Secret ‘data’ field and store it inside the Secret trigger.k8s.io/data-hash
The it look up the Deployment and check if the ReplicaSet template embedded inside Deployment contain
the trigger.k8s.io/[secret|configMap]-NAME-last-hash
annotation. This annotation value represents the last
observed hash. If the hash differs or the annotation is not present, the controller update the template
with the current Secret or ConfigMap hash. Updating the Deployment template will cause the Deployment to
rollout new version.
k8s-trigger-controller is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.