Multi-view stereo image-based 3D reconstruction
Multi-view stereo image-based 3D reconstruction
PAIS Multi-view Stereo
OpenCV 2.4.2
Point Cloud Library 1.6.0
“A novel 3D dense reconstruction with high accuracy and completeness”. Zen Chen, Wen-Chao Chen, And Ping-Yi Sung. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops ICMEW 2013
“Stochastic Optimization Based 3D Dense Reconstruction from Multiple Views with High Accuracy and Completeness”. Wen-Chao Chen, Zen Chen, And Ping-Yi Sung. Journal of Information Science And Engineering 31, 131-146, 2015
“Stocastic Optimization Based 3D Reconstruction with High Accuracy and Completeness”. Wen-Chao Chen, Ping-Yi Sung And Zen Chen . The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, CVGIP 2012 Excellent Paper Award
NVM file is come from VisualSFM data structure. Here is the example of the data structure. The detail can be found in FileLoader.
You can skip the calibration step and just use the Structure from Motion result output from VisualSFM.
pawn0013.jpg 614.095397949 0.705410371683 0.160690743319 0.671401589359 0.160605237544 -0.556085150075 0.0481223921551 -0.00781510757143 -0.199289312888 0
pawn0010.jpg 616.175537109 0.90353903514 0.221746421078 0.3576944596 0.0806247263945 -0.880841878288 0.0327703491031 -0.684201024844 -0.209314043486 0
pawn0011.jpg 612.03302002 0.85241383667 0.2037593266 0.469072019941 0.108830220502 -0.71971232163 0.0433857776889 -0.492035476323 -0.207263977174 0
pawn0012.jpg 611.360473633 0.786507583571 0.183363764635 0.573952646995 0.135504187104 -0.608685012281 0.0487066227347 -0.263440114899 -0.203210786458 0
pawn0014.jpg 617.585876465 0.611485687162 0.135944898976 0.757586998462 0.183482834469 -0.572254659063 0.0434025057556 0.255716172724 -0.198563271584 0
The first row shows the NVM file version.
Third line 5
indicate there are 5 cameras in the following list.
Each list entry:
In the NVM file format, the camera principle point is assumed at the image center, and can’t to be edit.
NVM2 file specify the principle point(px, py) after focal length. Others the same.
MVS file is saved in a binary way for internal use, for example: MVS viewer, patch filtering.
MVS file is saved in a binary way for internal use, for example: MVS viewer, patch filtering.
ply is the point cloud model. Can be open using MeshLab.
psr file is ready for the Poisson surface reconstruction.
config.txt should be placed in the same directory of main program.
### patch optimization configuration ###
# patch radius (patch size = 2*radius+1)
# !!!!check distWeighting if patchRadius have been changed!!!!
# default 15
patchRadius 15
# reduce normal search range for expansion patch (reduce to +- pi/reduceNormalRange)
# 1 stands for search 360 degree, 2 for 180 degree
# smaller for larger cell size
# default 2 (reduce to 180 degree)
reduceNormalRange 2
# enable or disable adaptive distance weighting (0: disable, 1: enable)
# default 1
adaptiveDistanceEnable 1
# distance weighting to patch center
# default(patch radius/3) 5
distWeighting 5
# enable or disable adaptive difference weighting (0: disable, 1: enable)
# default 1
adaptiveDifferenceEnable 1
# difference weighting
# default(128*128) 16384
diffWeighting 16384
# enable or disable adaptive gradient weighting (0: disable, 1: enable)
# default 0
adaptiveGradientEnable 0
# gradient maginitude weighting
# default 10.0
gradientWeighting 10.0
# visible camera angle correlation
# smaller for sparse camera deploy
# default 0.87 radian for 30 degree
visibleCorrelation 0.7
# depth search range scalar
# smaller for smoother object, larger for complex/sharp object
# smaller for small cell size, larger for big cell size
# larger depthRangeScalar cloud avoid local trap!
# beta in paper
# default(cellsize/2) 2
depthRangeScalar 8
### PSO optimization configuration ###
# particle number
# default 30
particleNum 15
# maximum iteration number
# default 60
maxIteration 30
### expansion configuration ###
# image cell size, control the density of patches
# default 4
cellSize 2
# maximum patch number in single cell
# default 3
maxCellPatchNum 3
# patch expansion strategy (Best: 0, Worst: 1, Breath: 2, Depth: 3)
# default 0
expansionStrategy 0
### level of detail configuration ###
# texture variation
# default 36
textureVariation 36
# minimum level of detail
# default 0
minLOD 0
# maximum level of detail
# default 15
maxLOD 15
# level of detail ratio
# default 0.8
lodRatio 0.8
### filtering configuration ###
# minimum visible camera number
# default 3
minCamNum 3
# minimum texture correlation
# default 0.9
minCorrelation 0.9
# minimum patch homography ellipse axes ratio
# default 0.15
minRegionRatio 0.15
# maximum fitness (critical effect the completeness)
# default 10.0
maxFitness 10.0
# neighbor patch search radius scalar (from TVCG09 PCMVS)
# the neighbor radius = pow(volume, 1.0/3.0) * neighborRadiusScalar
# default 0.0025*(cellsize*2)
neighborRadiusScalar 0.01
There are 4 commands for our program.TMVS.exe -r
TMVS.exe -f
TMVS.exe -v
TMVS.exe -a
TMVS.exe -r
Run multi-view stereo reconstruction.
The program will use the N-view matching points as the seed points from VisualSFM.
When there are no seed points, it will run N-view matching algorithm by SIFT feature and perform N-view matching with epipolar constrain.
Note that the config.txt must be initialized.
TMVS.exe -r input.nvm
There are 5 output files from reconstruction command.
the input seed points from VisualSFM.
seed points after optimization.
expansion point cloud.
expansion point cloud.
expansion point cloud.
TMVS.exe -f
Run post-processing filtering after reconstruction. Note the filtering process only accept mvs
TMVS.exe -f exp.mvs
TMVS.exe -v
Rendering result in PCL framework.
press h
to see help function.
TMVS.exe -v exp.mvs
TMVS.exe -a
Rendering result in PCL framework with expansion animation.
press h
to see help function.
TMVS.exe -a exp.mvs