My UAE Guide Android App
This application is ongoing and is under continuous development ,
Project description
You can search any place nearby or with-in the specified city.
1- We will display specific or all related shops to match your search.
such as :-
restaurant, coffee-tea , snacks-fast-food
going-out , sights-museums, transport, airport
accommodation, shopping, leisure-outdoor
administrative-areas-buildings, natural-geographical, petrol-station
atm-bank-exchange, hospital-health-care-facility
and then they can see the result as list
of different places appear automatically in the app
2- We provide almost all the numbers of all departments and shops registered with us.
3- You can perform bookings as well.
4- If you have a shop or some things and want to be a part of our growing industry then add your place by following simple steps.
5- We will handle everything for you.
6- As you have the app in your pocket then you don’t have to worry about anything.
if you need to use the app :
1- you want to create project at firebase with your app name then enable phone auth from firebase authentication ,
create firebase real-time database and link the resourece file with your code and change the project package name
2- you want to create account at and change app code app id with yours
App packages structure :
1- Admin
2- Categories —> here developer —> for here explore entry point and here develoepr lockup entry point
3- Chat —> chat classes
4- Commom —> login signup , onboarding & splashscreen
5- Databases —> contain firebase models for chat and user details , here developer for dao of room database app database
6- di for dependecy injection —> here we hava retrofit model and database model for whole app
7- Helper classes contain adapters of home screen 1- adapter for featured locations 2- for most viewed 3- for categories
slider adapter for onboarding screen for images and text views
8- Location owner this contains activity with fragments and bottom navigation for logged in end user or merchant but empty for now you can customize it
9- Repository
10- User contains favorite activity, all categories activity , userdashboard which is the main screen
11- View models for activities