项目作者: ayodejiAA

项目描述 :
Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ayodejiAA/banka.git
创建时间: 2019-03-18T16:40:53Z



Build Status

Build Status
Coverage Status Maintainability


Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.

Heroku - Banka API

Documentation - Api Documentation

UI - Banka UI

Technology and Tools Stack

  • Uses HTML as the markup language for site structure and CSS for styling.
  • ESlint and Babel for code linting and transpiling respectively.
  • Mocha as a testing framework and Chai as an assertion library
  • The server side is built with ExpressJS which is a framework for building Node.js applications.
  • Postgres which is a object-relational database system.

Features of banka


  • Users can signup for an account and login.
  • Users can create bank account
  • Users can view transaction history


  • Staff (Cashier) can credit/debit users’ accounts.
  • Admin/Staff can delete users’ bank accounts.
  • Admin/Staff can view list of user’s bank accounts.
  • Admin/Staff can view list of bank accounts.
  • Admin/Staff can view list of bank accounts based on status - Active and dormant.

Installation Steps

  • Clone repository to your machine
  1. git clone https://github.com/ayodejiAA/banka.git
  • Install application dependencies
  1. npm install
  • Setup the environment variables
  1. Go to Config Folder
  • Start development server
  1. npm run dev
  • Start production server
  1. npm run build
  2. npm start


  1. npm test


  • MIT