Conjugate gradients minimization
This repository is a Python implementation of C.E. Rasmussen’s minimize function which finds a (local) minimum of a (nonlinear) multivariate function. The function uses conjugate gradients and approximate linesearches based on polynomial interpolation with Wolfe-Powel conditions. The user supplies a function which returns the function value as well as the partial derivatives with respect to the variables to be minimized.
Table of Contents:
The minimize function can be found at optimizer/
and is called according to the following definition.
An example of its usage follows.
Xs, convergence, i = minimize(f, X, length, args=(), reduction=None, verbose=True)
f : function to minimize. The function must return the value
of the function (float) and a numpy array of partial
derivatives of shape (D,) with respect to X, where D is
the dimensionality of the function.
X : numpy array - Shape : (D, 1)
initial guess.
length : int
The length of the run. If positive, length gives the maximum
number of line searches, if negative its absolute value gives
the maximum number of function evaluations.
args : tuple
Tuple of parameters to be passed to the function f.
reduction : float
The expected reduction in the function value in the first
linesearch (if None, defaults to 1.0)
verbose : bool
If True - prints the progress of minimize. (default is True)
concise : bool
If True - returns concise convergence info, only the minimium function
value (necessary when optimizing a large number of parameters)
(default is False)
Xs : numpy array - Shape : (D, 1)
The found solution.
convergence : numpy array - Shape : (i, D+1)
Convergence information. The first column is the function values
returned by the function being minimized. The next D columns are
the guesses of X during the minimization process.
If concise = True, convergence information is only the minimum
function value. This is necessary only when optimizing a large number
of parameters.
i : int
Number of line searches or function evaluations depending on which was selected.
Here the two-dimensional rosenbrock function is used to show how minimize works. The rosenbrock function returns the function value and the partial derivatives with respect to the variables to be minimized.
Starting from initial conditions X0 = np.array([[-1],[0]])
and length = 100
>>> X, convergence, i = minimize(rosenbrock, X0, length=100)
>>> X
>>> i
The minimum of the function occurs at X = [1., 1.] with a function value of 0 and is determined after 33 iterations. The convergence returned by minimize has the function evaluations in the first column, and the parameters being minimised in the following D columns. The figure below shows the convergence values plotted over the rosenbrock function. If the length parameter is set to a negative value then the algorithm is limited by function evaluations rather than linesearches.
The check_grad function can be found at optimizer/
and can be used to check that the function values
and partial derivatives are consistent. The check_grad function compares the values of the partial derivatives returned by the function with a finite difference approximation. check_grad prints a comparison of the partial derivatives and the finite difference approximation and returns the norm of the difference divided by the norm of the sum of the partial derivatives and finite differences.
d = check_grad(f, X, e, args=())
f : function to minimize. The function must return the value
of the function (float) and a numpy array of partial
derivatives of shape (D,) with respect to X, where D is
the dimensionality of the function.
X : numpy array - Shape : (D, 1)
argument for function f that the partial derivatives
relate to.
e : float
size of the perturbation used for the finite differences.
args : tuple
Tuple of parameters to be passed to the function f.
vec : numpy array of shape (D, 2)
The first column is dy which is generated from the function
partial derivatives. The second column is dh which is generated
from the finite difference approximations.
d : the norm of the difference divided by the norm of
the sum.
It is used as follows:
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> X = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(3,1))
>>> vec, d = check_grad(rosenbrock, X, 1e-5)
>>> print("Gradients vs finite difference:")
>>> print(vec)
Gradients vs finite difference:
[[1914.97696491 1914.97696499]
[-674.57380768 -674.57380767]
[ 163.72243854 163.72243854]]
>>> print("d : ", d)
d : 1.9199773511233608e-11
Testing setup with pytest (requires installation). Should you want to check version
compatibility or make changes, you can check that original minimize functionality remains unaffected by executingpytest -v
in the test directory. You should see the following: