A desktop chat application powered by JavaFX
A powerfull desktop chat application powered by JavaFX.
AntChat Messenger is a cross-platform instant messaging application that allows users to interact with eachother.
It is powered by Java 8 and JavaFX. The server-side runs on Java as well!
This is the login window. You are going to pick an username and type in host adress as well as the port number of that host. You can pick a theme even though you can change it later in the client.
You can configure your settings by clicking settings in the menu or learn more about this program by clicking about.
And Some Themes!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install
Compatible IDE, Intellij IDEA recommended for this project.
JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 is recommended even though it has some bugs.
Open the server jar in a console and type
-jar jarname port
For example
-jar AntChatv1_server 8888
If you want to contribute to this project you can e-mail me - antkaynak1@gmail.com
or you can pull request.
This project does not have versioning and made with learning purposes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md
file for details.
If you have any questions mail me - antkaynak1@gmail.com