项目作者: miketide08

项目描述 :
This example responsive web site was written in JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5.
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/miketide08/omnifood-responsive-fundamentals.git

Basics of Responsive Modern Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3

View the site:


This project was created using a course to learn modern web design, HTML5 and CSS3 step-by-step from scratch. I designed and coded a
large project during this course. This project uses media queries, floating grid system, animations, scroll effects and “sticky” navigation
to create unique effects.

Getting Started

Clone or fork a copy of this repository to a local directory. The site can be viewed by opening the index.html in any web browser. Play around with the
sizing of the page manually or by using web tools to check out the responsiveness of the site.


Local web browser installed like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.


No special instllation instructions since this is a small static website. Clone or fork the repository locally and open the index.html in your local browser.
You are then good to go!

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • CSS3 w/ media queries, animations, floating grid layout, etc.
  • HTML5


  • Michael Brown - Initial course by Jonas Schmedtman.
