项目作者: ralitsavoronevska

项目描述 :
Bootstrap 4.5.0. boilerplate with Gulp 4.0.2 and HTML5
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/ralitsavoronevska/bootstrap-4-with-gulp-4-boilerplate.git
创建时间: 2020-06-06T18:11:31Z

开源协议:MIT License


Bootstrap 4.5.0. boilerplate with Gulp 4.0.2 and HTML5

Bootstrap 4.5.0. boilerplate with Gulp 4.0.2 and HTML5 for automation and rapid development:

  • Bootstrap 4.5.0
  • Gulp 4.0.2
  • HTML5
  • Sass
  • sourcemaps
  • concatenation
  • CSS minification
  • HTML minitification
  • uglify
  • image optimization
  • template partials
  • BroswserSync, live reload



How to

Download or clone the repository (git clone https://github.com/ralitsavoronevska/bootstrap-4-with-gulp-4-boilerplate.git). After that, from the root of your download/clone:


$ npm install

If something goes wrong, delete the node_modules folder and run npm install again.

Now let’s make sure you also have Gulp installed globally:

$ npm install gulp -g

Start server

$ gulp serve

You should see a live browser at http://localhost:3000/.


Override Bootstrap’s variables and create your custom styles


This will be automatically compiled to src/css/styles.css.

Add custom scripts



You can add partials in src/partials/.

Insert partial : .

Examples are already added in this this project for header & footer.


$ gulp

If you want HTML, CSS minification & image optimization:

$ npm run prod

Docs folder is the destination. You can now go docs/index.html and check the output.

If you want you can deploy everything to your GitHub using gh-pages and a custom script (both already included in package.json):

$ npm run deploy