项目作者: holmera1

项目描述 :
Desktop Companion Application for Stardew Valley
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/holmera1/stardew-bundle-tracker.git
创建时间: 2020-12-07T00:38:03Z



Stardew Valley Bundle Companion


This desktop application is designed for Stardew Valley players to help them track and plan bundle progress more efficiently. It is currently supported only on Windows.


  1. Under ‘releases’, click the latest release.
  2. (WINDOWS INSTALLER) Download and run the installer Stardew Valley Bundle Companion x.x.x Setup.exe. A desktop shortcut will be created automatically, or you can run the application by searching ‘Stardew Valley Bundle Companion’ in the taskbar.
  3. (ZIP) If you do not wish to use the installer, download and extract the zip file Stardew.Valley.Bundle.Companion-win32-x64-x.x.x.zip. Run ‘Stardew Valley Bundle Companion.exe’ to use the application.

How to Use

Use the tabs at the top of the window to navigate between Community Center rooms. Click the checkbox next to the items as you collect them. Clicking on an item will take you to that item’s wiki page. When relauching the app after exiting, progress from when the application was last closed will be automatically restored. If you wish to reset all of the checkboxes to the unchecked state, click the ‘Reset All’ button at the very bottom of the window.

Note: Currently, this application only features the default Community Center, not the remixed bundles. While I do not currently have the time to add support for farms created with this setting enabled, I will do so when I am able!

Thank you!

Thank you for downloading and using Stardew Valley Bundle Companion! I hope you enjoy.


This application was created using Electron with React.js.