Atomic-Design-React Boilerplate
cad-br is a cli tool to generate application structure with javascript or typescript.
The following guide is followed for creation of application strucuture.
Use the package manager npm to install cad-br
npm install @bsjaramillo/cad-br
Create a new project.
cad-br name-of-project
Next will you answers the prompts.
The structure created by this command is the followed:
This command will create a project without install npm dependencies.
You will install manually npm dependencies.
The folder src will contain the structure for the atomic design with an example based in the boilerplate react-atomic-structure
For initialize automatically git repository
> cad-br name-of-project --git
or > cad-br name-of-project -g
For install automatically npm dependencies
> cad-br name-of-project --install
or > cad-br name-of-project -i
Optionally you can create a new project only with the command:
> cad-br
Next will you answers the prompts.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.