Some vector graphics that I've created for fun.
Arrow character: 🡲
xlink namespace: xmlns:xlink=”“
To create curved pipes or lines there are two ways:
To create an angled object especially if it is composed of multiple sub-objects, it is
easier to create it in straight horizontal or vertical mode and then rotate it (or the group)
To blend color of overlapping object, change the blend mode of the top object (in fill and stroke window)
To cut an outline of a path p1 around it in another path p2, after duplicating the p1,
instead of scaling the whole duplicated object add stroke to it and increase its width.
Then convert the stroke to path and then do the difference.
The vector can be scrolled in Chrome by holding the Shift key and dragging the image
For shadow gradients set the end alpha to 0 and make sure that its color is the same as
the color of the layer below so the shadow will be smooth.
The script can be executed by:
in terminal (which when sees the shebang, uses it to run the script)Windows: associate .kts files with Kotlin (kotlin.bat).
If you want to add arguments to Kotlin, modify registryHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\kotlinc.bat\shell\open\command
🡲 (Default)
and add the desired arguments (for example-jvm-target 1.8
if we are using Java features beyond version 1.6; can also be 9, 10, etc.):
"C:\Program Files\kotlinc\bin\kotlin.bat" -jvm-target 11 "%1"
Some notes:
runner supports scripts the same way askotlinc -script
combination: kotlin script.main.kts
🡲 Build, Execution, Deployment
🡲 Kotlin Compiler
🡲 Target JVM version
See this and this for more info
To enable ASCII colors in CMD go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\
🡲 VirtualTerminalLevel
and set its value to 1
(create this key with type DWORD if it does not exist)
This page is for Convert to SVG template that has links (labeled category) to images that should be converted to SVG
See the sample marker file for how to create a simplified marker.
The marker orientation is aligned with its x axis and its intended beginning
(that is where it should connect to the path) is placed on (0,0) coordinate.
Use it like this:
<marker id="arrow" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
<path d="..." fill="#000"></path>
Wikimedia SVG checker
SVG Support table
Wikimedia uses librsvg for creating SVG previews
Scheme vs Schema:
The word Schema is used for diagrams and models.
To reference a file or article from wikipedia in Commons, do like this:
[[:en:Image:Exceptional newcomer.jpg|blah blah blah]]
It seems that browsers do NOT (yet) support mesh gradients
For help on how to use SVG images on GitHub see this post
For how to show RTL language along paths see this post
To reference files from other wikipedia languages prefix its name with the language code.
For example [[fa:logo.svg]]. See this help page for more info
SVGs could be cleaned with this tool
For information about how to be a graphic contributor on wikipedia refer here
For help on how to use SVG files on wikipedia refer here
Supported fonts in SVG files on Wikipedia are listed here
and here
The default sans-serif font of the Inkscape is Verdana
Use {{Vector version available|NewImage.svg}} template in old raster pages to show that the vector version is available
Use {{superseded|File:NewImage.svg}} template to indicate the new version of the image should be used
Use {{Derived from|OldImage.jpg|display=50}} or {{ef|OldImage.jpg}} templates to show that the vector is derived from another image.
To prevent subtle discrepancies when resizing the whole vector,
first ungroup all the objects (by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+G
multiple times)
and then do the resizing.
Instead of providing separate SVG files for a multi-part image, the viewBox
of the SVG can be used on the same SVG file to show only the needed part.
The {{#language:es}}
and ({{language|es}})
templates can be used to show the name of a language
in user’s language or the actual native name.
Could be used e.g. in captions of other versions of the SVG.
For translating SVG files see this helpful guide
Guidelines for creating SVG files are available in this mozilla page
The xml declaration is not needed at the top of the SVG file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
See this post for more info
If the same exact version of SVG is already available on Wikipedia, then it
won’t enable to upload the file. So to see if the vector on Wikipedia is the
latest version or not, just upload the latest version of the vector image there
Images would better to have some padding. A good rule of thumb could be 5-15% of
size of the canvas so for size of 512 pixels, 40 pixels seems good.