This source tree started as a re-distribution of those NX packages needed
to setup FreeNX and/or X2Go on a Linux server.
In the past, the NX re-distribution (3.5.0.x) had been maintained by the X2Go Project:
In 2014, the QVD project run by the company Qindel
joined the group of people being interested in NX maintenance and
Since 2015, the Arctica Project has joined in the NX development. The core devs
of X2Go, Arctica and TheQVD have agreed on stopping to redistribute NX and to
continue the development of NX 3.x as the new upstream instead. The package
will see a slight name change to nx-libs starting with version
Our intentions for nx-libs are:
This source tree is maintained on Github:
https://github.com/ArcticaProject/nx-libs (3.6.x branch)
For the the post-NoMachine era of nx-libs, we will focus on two release
phases for the upcoming two years.
Release goals (phase 1) for nx-libs release series 3.6.0.x:
Release goals (phase 2) for nx-libs release series 3.7.0.x (not branched-off, yet):
If you have any questions about this NX development or want to file a bug
report, please contact the Arctica developers, the X2Go developers or the
TheQVD developers via the project’s Github issue tracker.
The nx-libs developers (a combined effort of ArcticaProject / TheQVD / X2Go)
mkdir -p ~/result
git archive -o ../nx-libs- --prefix=nx-libs- 3.6.x
cp --preserve=time nx-libs.spec ../
cd ..
mock --buildsrpm --spec ./nx-libs.spec --sources ./nx-libs- --resultdir ~/result
mock --rebuild ~/result/nx-libs- --resultdir ~/result
The end result is RPMs under ~/result that you can install (or upgrade to) using yum or dnf, which will resolve their dependencies.
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES ~/rpmbuild/RPMS ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS ~/rpmbuild/OTHER ~/rpmbuild/BUILD
git archive -o $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/nx-libs- --prefix=nx-libs- 3.6.x
cp --preserve=time nx-libs.spec ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
cd ..
sudo obs-build --clean --nosignature --repo http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/<OPENSUSE-VERSION>/repo/oss/suse/ --root /var/lib/obs-build/ ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/nx-libs.spec
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/* ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/* ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/* ~/rpmbuild/OTHER/
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/.build.log ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/
The end result is RPMs under ~/result that you can install (or upgrade to) using yum or dnf, which will resolve their dependencies.
can help you identify them.
git clone <url> nx-libs
cd nx-libs
debuild -uc -us
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i *3.5.99*.deb
The only components that can be built on Windows at the time of writing are nxcomp
and nxproxy
(with the latter utilizing the former).
The next section is only relevant for git-based source code builds. Released tarballs do not require special handling.
Since this project makes use of UNIX-style symlinks, it is imperative to clone the repository using Cygwin’s git binary. MSYS(2) git is not able to handle UNIX-style symlinks.
Make sure that all build utilities are Cygwin-based. Non-Cygwin binaries will bail out with errors during the build process or insert garbage.
Most major Linux distribution come with nx. However, their packages
are often not the most current releases so we encourage you to update
to the newest release.
You can obtain binary builds of nx-libs for Debian and Ubuntu via these apt-URLs:
Debian: deb http://packages.arctica-project.org/debian {YOUR DIST VERSION} main
Ubuntu: deb http://packages.arctica-project.org/ubuntu {YOUR DIST VERSION} main
Our package server’s archive key is: 0x98DE3101 (fingerprint: 7A49
CD37 EBAE 2501 B9B4 F7EA A868 0F55 98DE 3101). Use this command to
make APT trust our package server:
wget -qO - http://packages.arctica-project.org/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
For RedHat based distributions current packages can be found at
Please note that these are not always current as the builds are done manually.
FreeNX is a free replacement of the original nxserver by
nomachine. OpenNX-CE is OSS GUI client replacing the original
nomachine nxclient. nx-libs is developed with those projects in mind
and tries to stay compatible with FreeNX and nomachine NX. While
looking abandoned for many years some people are still using and
improving these packages. For current repos see
Thanks to dimbor for providing/maintaining these.
Etersoft is offering a commercial software called RX. Their OSS client
called rxclient also aims to be compatible to FreeNX and nomachine and
is based on opennx. You can find repos for their software here:
PVS-Studio - static analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java code.