Predicting price and customer satisfaction: Airbnb data
The libraries used in this repository are:
Aribnb is a world wide
This project aims to analyze airbnb data in Seattle to provide airbnb hosts a general picture about what airbnb data says. There are three questions I am trying to explore within this project:
In this project I hope to help airbnb hosts who are trying to decide prices and improve their guests’ satisfaction.
There is one notebook (named “UdacityP1”) available here to showcase work related to the above questions. This notebook consists of three parts adressing each research question. The detailed descriptions are available within the notebook.
The main findings of the code can be found at the post available here: @nkibrislioglu/need-to-know-for-airbnb-hosts-5165320d1447?sk=2f94c208186d485e5d624eca3c6675f5"">
Airbnb data set is used in this project. You can find additional information about the data here: