A Jekyll theme based in Google Material Design Lite library.
A Jekyll theme based in Google Material Design Lite library.
You can see the online demo here http://gdgmanagua.github.io/jekyll-mdl/
If you are using this cool jekyll theme, please open an issue or fork the project, add your site to the list and send us a pull request, we will be happy to know where the theme has been used.
If you don’t want the default site colors, you can create custom themes for the site in the mdl theme creator. The site will create a custom css, something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://storage.googleapis.com/code.getmdl.io/1.0.0/material.teal-green.min.css" />
Now add this in the _includes/head.html file, under the main css and enjoy your new theme.
All the post, require an image and maybe an author and declare if the post is highlighted or not, the image are used in the cards and the autor used for the footer in the cards, the highlighted post is used for make this 12 cols and not a card, if you want to use the custom images and set the author and the highlight post, just add a new key in the post config, something like this:
layout: post
title: "Welcome to jekyll-mdl"
date: 2015-07-11 11:34:20
categories: jekyll
highlight: true
image: http://www.wchs4pets.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/cat_1-jpg.jpg
author: Google Developers Group Managua
You can setup 4 types of layout
For use this in the _config.yml select the type of layout, rebuild the website and voilà
If you want to contribute to this project, please read the CONTRIBUTING file and perform the following steps
# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
jekyll serve --watch
git checkout -b feature_branch
# Implement your feature and tests
git add . && git commit
git push -u origin feature_branch
# Send a pull request for your feature branch
Oscar Cortez | Byron Corrales |
Project Lead | Contributor |
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
See the LICENSE file for more details.
Copyright © 2015 Google Developers Group Managua.