Pretzel is Mac desktop app that shows and find keyboard shortcuts based on your current app.
Pretzel is Mac desktop app that shows and search keyboard shortcuts based on your current app. Checkout the landing page here.
CmdorCtrl + (backtick)
on keyboard will automatically opens the shortcut panel.Because Pretzel has a dependency node-ffi that requires node v8, until node-ffi
is compaitable with
latest node, you should use nvm
to install node v8 to run Pretzel locally. Otherwise, npm install
would give you some error regarding node-gyp.
nvm install 8.11.3 # I personally use this version
nvm ls # to make sure we are currently using node v8
npm install
npm start
Compile Scss
sass --watch sass/main.scss:main.css
To compile:
npm run build:mac
npm run build:win
If you have github account, please check the roadmap first then read the Contributing doc here
If you don’t have a github account, please check the roadmap first. If you don’t see desired apps under development, follow these steps:
file, in the same format as the files in /shortcuts
file so I could add it in.MIT © Amie Chen