Simple tool to monitor network changes over time and trigger alerts
Simple tool to monitor network changes over time and trigger alerts.
Run the bash script ( to install all the required dependencies.
WARNING: this script will install automatically postfix,mysql-server and masscan
Downloads the binaries and installs them into your system, after you changed the example configuration (/etc/opn/opn.conf) you can run the scans with the command:
### Use cases
- Continuos scanning of your Networks and monitor service exposure (All scans are saved into Mysql and/or sent via email/tg).. "pro-tip" -> run on crontab ->
- Constant Alerting of critical service or when a firewall (could be software or hardware) stops working
- Tracking service/hosts from your VPN/Allowed cidr to know where your services are without running everytime the slow Nmap
### Integrating OPN with Metabase:
- Install Metabase and connect the OPN database, then you can easily create dashboards to dynamically track hosts on your networks.
- The example below is made in 10 minutes ( - docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name metabase metabase/metabase) and connected the db to Metabase + running OPN on crontab so every XYZ hour/minutes i can just check the dashboard and see the email report/telegram notifications.

### Compile
To compile and install binaries run:
WARNING: this script will install automatically postfix,mysql-server and masscan
If you already have Golang installed and know your stuff you can just get the sources from the src/ folder and build the .go files.
00 0 * * * root opn
to run the scan every day at 00:00