项目作者: countercept

项目描述 :
A python2 script for sweeping a network to find windows systems compromised with the DOUBLEPULSAR implant.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/countercept/doublepulsar-detection-script.git
创建时间: 2017-04-15T19:35:01Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Author: Luke Jennings (luke.jennings@countercept.com - @jukelennings)

Company: Countercept (@countercept)

Website: https://countercept.com

A set of python2 scripts for sweeping a list of IPs for the presence of both SMB and RDP versions of the DOUBLEPULSAR implant that was released by the Shadow Brokers. Supports both single IP checking and a list of IPs in a file with multi-threading support. The SMB version also supports the remote uninstall of the implant for remediation, which was helped by knowledge of the opcode mechanism reversed by @zerosum0x0.

This is an early release in the interests of allowing people to find compromises on their network now that these exploits are in the wild and no doubt being used to target organizations. It re-implements the ping command of the implant, which can be used remotely without authentication, in order to determine if a system is infected or not. Both SMB and RDP versions of the implant are supported.

Not all OS versions have been tested and some currently fail. For example, 2012 will reject the SMB sequence with ACCESS_DENIED. However, this system is not vulnerable to the ETERNALBLUE exploit and the DOUBLEPULSAR implant receives the same error when trying to ping a target. Therefore, it is possible that errors against certain windows versions may be indicative that the system is not compromised.


  1. root@kali:~# python detect_doublepulsar_smb.py --ip
  2. [-] [] No presence of DOUBLEPULSAR SMB implant
  3. root@kali:~# python detect_doublepulsar_smb.py --ip
  5. root@kali:~# python detect_doublepulsar_rdp.py --file ips.list --verbose --threads 1
  6. [*] [] Sending negotiation request
  7. [*] [] Server explicitly refused SSL, reconnecting
  8. [*] [] Sending non-ssl negotiation request
  9. [*] [] Sending ping packet
  10. [-] [] No presence of DOUBLEPULSAR RDP implant
  11. [*] [] Sending negotiation request
  12. [*] [] Server chose to use SSL - negotiating SSL connection
  13. [*] [] Sending SSL client data
  14. [*] [] Sending ping packet
  15. [-] [] No presence of DOUBLEPULSAR RDP implant
  16. [*] [] Sending negotiation request
  17. [*] [] Sending client data
  18. [*] [] Sending ping packet
  20. root@kali:~# python2 detect_doublepulsar_smb.py --ip --uninstall
  21. [+] [] DOUBLEPULSAR SMB IMPLANT DETECTED!!! XOR Key: 0x7c3bf3c1
  22. [+] [] DOUBLEPULSAR uninstall successful

Scanning your network

  1. # target network (adapt this to your network)
  3. # install the required scanning tools
  4. brew install masscan || apt-get install masscan
  5. git clone https://github.com/countercept/doublepulsar-detection-script.git
  6. cd doublepulsar-detection-script
  7. # scan open ports
  8. masscan -p445 $NETWORKRANGE > smb.lst
  9. masscan -p3389 $NETWORKRANGE > rdp.lst
  10. # clean the list of IPs
  11. sed -i "s/^.* on //" smb.lst
  12. sed -i "s/^.* on //" rdp.lst
  13. # check vulnerabilities on the hosts who have the service open
  14. python detect_doublepulsar_smb.py --file smb.lst
  15. python detect_doublepulsar_rdp.py --file rdp.lst
  16. # Or, if you have the python netaddr library
  17. python detect_doublepulsar_smb.py --net


This repository also contains three Snort signatures that can be used for detecting the use of the unimplemented SESSION_SETUP Trans2 command that the SMB ping utility uses and different response cases. While we do not condone the reliance on signatures for effective attack detection, due to how easily they are bypassed, these rules are highly specific and should provide some detection capability against new threat groups reusing these exploits and implants without modification.

More info
