项目作者: klustair

项目描述 :
Helm chart do deploy klustair with anchore
高级语言: Mustache
项目地址: git://github.com/klustair/klustair-helm.git
创建时间: 2020-06-24T21:11:34Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


KlustAIR Helm chart

Artifact HUB
Helm validate

Klustair collects all the used images your Kubernetes namespaces and runs a trivy scan on them.

Demo : https://klustair.herokuapp.com/

  • trivy A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers and other Artifacts
  • kubeaudit kubeaudit helps you audit your Kubernetes clusters against common security controls
  • anchore-engine (DEPRECATED) A service that analyzes docker images and applies user-defined acceptance policies to allow automated container image validation and certification


Finde more screenshots here

vulnerabilities details


Read the upgrade instructions here

Generate Laravel key

The key consists of 32 random characters

Chose one of the following commands to generate one or copy the Laravel key from https://wwww.keygen.io

  1. dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 2>/dev/null | base64


  1. date +%s | md5 | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo


  1. openssl rand -base64 32

Run a local Kubernetes Cluster with kind

Installation with helm

  1. export RELEASENAME=my-klustair
  2. kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
  3. kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml
  4. kind export kubeconfig --name klustair --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig
  5. helm install $RELEASENAME ./klustair -f ./klustair/values.yaml -n $RELEASENAME --create-namespace --set-file klustair.kubeconfig=./kubeconfig

You should be able now to access your installation via http://local.klustair.com (pointing to or the defined URL in values.yaml.
the Klustair Admin credentials a visible in first Database init run. If you lost your Admin Account or need more Accounts use the “php artisan klustair:user” command on apache or php-fpm pod.


  1. helm list
  2. helm uninstall $RELEASENAME
  3. kind delete cluster $RELEASENAME

Helm chart repo installation

trivy.repoCredentials and klustair.gcloudCredentials are optional

  1. export RELEASENAME=my-klustair
  2. helm repo add klustair https://klustair.github.io/klustair-helm
  3. helm install \
  4. --set klustairfrontend.url=your.klustair.domain.com \
  5. --set klustairfrontend.appkey=base64:<put your generated Laravel key here> \
  6. --set-file klustair.kubeconfig=/path/to/your/kubeconfig \
  7. --set-file trivy.repoCredentials=/path/to/your/repocredentials.json \
  8. --set-file klustair.gcloudCredentials=/path/to/your/gcloudcredentials.json \
  9. $RELEASENAME klustair/klustair

Update/Configure secrets

Follow this instruction to generate Google Serviceaccount and credentials


  1. export RELEASENAME=$(helm list | grep klustair | awk '{print $1}')
  2. kubectl delete secrets $RELEASENAME-configs
  3. kubectl create secret generic $RELEASENAME-configs \
  4. --from-file=kube.config=/path/to/your/kubeconfig \
  5. --from-file=repo-credentials.json=/path/to/your/repocredentials.json \
  6. --from-file=gcloud-credentials.json=/path/to/your/gcloudcredentials.json

Example credentials


Chart Configuration

You find a full list of all Chart values here:


Key Type Default Description
image.repository string klustair/klustair repository of the klustiar runner
image.repositoryFrontend string klustair/klustair-frontend repository of the klustair frontend
image.tag string v0.2.2
image.pullPolicy string Always
klustairfrontend.appkey string example key Laravel App Key
klustairfrontend.url string example URL Frontend URL
klustair.kubeconfig multiline string example config kubectl configuration
trivy.enabled boolean true
trivy.timeout string "2m0s"
trivy.repoCredentials multiline string example JSON
postgresql.postgresqlUsername string klustair
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase string klustair
postgresql.persistence.storageClass string "-"
postgresql.persistence.size string 1Gi
postgresql.resources.requests.memory string 256Mi
postgresql.resources.requests.cpu string 250m