Repo for all Anchore circleci orb source code
All orbs are tested with .circleci/config.yaml of this repo. Finished orbs will be published to the public CircleCi orb repository under the anchore namespace.
After the @dev:alpha
orb is successfully published, integration tests will be triggered. Once all tests have passed, the dev orb can be promoted to production.
The major, minor, or patch version of the Orb will be published based on tag pushed to the git repository.
Push a git tag with the following naming convention (major|minor|patch)-release-vX.X.X
To View the current version of the orb, use the following command:
circleci orb info anchore/anchore-engine
Final testing will be performed when this tag is pushed, the publish to production will happen upon manual job approval within the CircleCi WorkFlows UI.
job should always fail, double check that policy evaluation to ensure custom policy was activated. Then go into the failed workflow and approval publish to prod.